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Gold – No Time Left for Conspiracy Theories

To some, this is a religious battle. To others, it is just a time to rip off a lot of people by selling fantasies and sophistry. I have stated this many times, so here it goes again: Gold rises when people lose confidence in government. It has nothing to do with inflation. So, you start […]

The Big Short

QUESTION: Marty; I am curious what you thought of the Big Short especially since you are the one who got the timing right to the day. In markets, I do not have to tell you that being too early is more dangerous than being too late. Since that fateful day on the floor when the […]

Market Talk — January 4, 2016

What a start to the New Year! Talk around the street voiced a few reasons for today’s stock market declines from geopolitical tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran to additional dealing costs associated to playing the markets. Discussions are apparently underway across the globe to address market orders, the way in which orders are placed, […]

Dow & the Immediate Outlook

QUESTION: Marty, at the WEC you said the Dow would go down in the first quarter. How far do you see this going this time? ANSWER: We elected a monthly Bearish Reversal at year-end and closed lower than 2014. The main support starts down at the 15850 level followed by 15370. We can see even […]

Star Trek & Its Contribution to Everything

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I’m just curious. Will you go see the new Star Wars? Your technology with Socrates does seem light years ahead of everything. I love Socrates. It is truly amazing. DK ANSWER: Absolutely. If you pay attention, you will see that much of the film is based on the Roman Empire and the […]

EU Summit Disaster — "Another Victory Like That, and We Have Lost"

Merkel has to be saying to herself, “Another victory like that, and we have lost.” She may have made TIME’s Person of the Year, however, so did Adolf Hitler in 1938. It is not a position of prestige for great achievements, but rather the person who has had the most influence that year whether it was good […]

Alternative Currencies of the Great Depression

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, have you ever heard of a short lived Wörgl Experiment in Austria? It was shut down by the Austrian Central Bank they say because it was successful. Have you looked into this experiment they claim defied deflation and inflation? ANSWER: Yes. This was by no means an isolated instance. True, it […]

Gold Into the Abyss?

QUESTION: Marty, thank you for the conference. I have made more than 10 times the seat price just on your top couple of trades. I see the world differently now for the first time. My question is on Gold. You said it will move down and that the big risk is the first quarter. It […]

Economists Do Not Try to Forecast the Business Cycle

  QUESTION: Marty, it was fantastic to meet you in Berlin and the conference really opened my eyes. Can’t wait for the sneak preview of the Trader level in Socrates. The Investor level is amazing providing a long-term outlook written by the computer. Your staff said the computer was writing daily trading reports in the […]

Financial Instability & the Fed

The argument that the Fed should do nothing because it will be harder to correct a rate rise than to do nothing because there is no bubble anywhere, demonstrates that we have the most serious BUBBLE in history. Retail participation in markets is still off by 50% from 2007 highs. People have invested in fixed income and […]