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Kyiv Airport Destoryed

  The Kyiv Airport was destroyed to prevent the West from flying in military equipment. This is the same strategy as singing ships from America to Britain with military arms in World War I. There are a lot of Ukrainians who are not supporting Zelensky. He ran promising to make peace with Russia and he […]

US Effectively Declares World War III Starting with Russia

  World peace is created by economic opportunity. That is how the Roman Empire flourished for 1,000 years. They conquered much of North Africa during the Punic Wars. They conquered Greece and the East during the days of the Republic. Yes, they conquered all of Europe under Julius Caesar. They captured Egypt under Octavian who […]

The Russian Mindset – Failing to Understand

QUESTION: Thanks Marty – would you agree that the west does not understand the Russian mind? For them it’s not all about economic considerations, therefore “sanctions” take a back seat to security and strategy which we can’t comprehend. Americans playing checkers, Russians playing chess. CR REPLY: Our greatest problem is that people have characterized Putin […]

Did Incompetence Set in Motion The Ukrainian Crisis?

There is something very serious taking place here. Ironically, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz seems to be the ONLY world leader to speak the truth that Ukraine’s President Zelensky will NOT engulf the world into a world war by dragging in NATO. The Epoch Times reported: “I also made it clear in Moscow and in my […]

Has Biden Unknowingly Begun World War III in Financial Markets?

We have a very serious problem. I know where the advice to Biden and other world leaders is coming from, as they are telling them to seize all the assets of Putin’s “friends” to put pressure on him — their yachts, bank accounts, houses… everything. It is Bill Browder who was Safra’s partner in Hermitage […]

The Real Backdrop Nobody Will Discuss

  The only way to avoid World War III is to listen to both sides. The refusal to listen ensures that we will move into World War III, and this is not my opinion; unfortunately, our computer has never been wrong, for it is unbiased. It called BREXIT when nobody else did, and also forecast […]

US v Russia & Ukraine The Real Backdrop

Let’s follow the money. Ever since the United States under the Clintons sanctioned the NY bankers to try to take over Russia with their own puppet, Boris Berezovsky, there has been a direct unspoken World War III that began in the financial markets. I was personally asked to invest $10 billion into Safra & Browder’s […]

World War III Beginning Stages Now

I have been warning the West should not mess with Putin. It is so obvious that the West has made the same fatal mistake as that of Rome. It has weakened its economy with COVID and it is so obsessed with trying to force Russia and China to comply with their Climate Change directives set […]

Is Western Press Egging Putin to Fully Invade Ukraine?

One must wonder if the West is intentionally trying to create a full-scale European war. “Putin is furious, he thought that the whole war would be easy and everything would be done in 1-4 days,” tweeted Riho Terras, who is also the former defense chief of NATO member Estonia. They are also claiming that Putin has […]

The Real Politics Behind Ukraine & Taiwan

  We face a clear and present danger from various heads of state who are seeking to promote the cancel-culture to suppress any opposition to alter our future and that of our posterity. Schwab with his admiration for Lenin and his Young Global Leaders is pushing his communist ideas upon the world and that includes […]