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Market Talk – November 17, 2021

ASIA: Retail sales growth in China bounced back in October, while industrial production also beat expectations. Retail sales, a key measurement of consumer spending in the world’s most populous nation, grew by 4.9 percent in October compared with a year earlier, up from the 4.4 percent increase in September, and above the estimate for a […]

There is Something Just Not Right – Papers Please!

QUESTION: Hello I think there is something wrong with the pattern when it comes to covid and the vaccines. It just do not add up. If the vaccines are about depopulation, then why does Gates vaccinate the people he would like to keep if he could choose? Why isn´t for example Africa the most vaccinated […]

Gates – Vaccines & Population Growth

Bill Gates simply cannot be this stupid. He is engaging in pure sophistry to sell his population-climate change agenda. The mistake people are making here is they are judging the third world by our way of life. Gates is claiming that we need to vaccinate everyone in the world so they will have a healthier […]

Biden May be Unleashing the Worse Pandemic in History

This was the second year our World Economic Conference was unable to bring in our staff from China, SE Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Our staff had to appear by video while the Biden Administration allows unlimited UNVACCINATED people from south of the Border free access, gives them money, and secretly flies them into […]

Market Talk – November 11, 2021

ASIA: China’s inflation problem is getting worse day by day. The cost of goods leaving China’s factories surged by another record rate last month, and there are increasing signs that consumers are starting to feel the pain. The Producer Price Index jumped 13.5% in October from a year ago, accelerating from September’s 10.7%, China’s National […]

Market Talk – November 9, 2021

  ASIA: The US central bank warned Monday that China’s ongoing property woes could elevate “financial stresses in China, [which] could further strain global financial markets and negatively affect the United States.” In its biannual report on financial stability, the Fed pointed specifically to the crisis at Evergrande, China’s most indebted developer. The company has […]

Market Talk – November 8, 2021

ASIA: China posted a record monthly trade surplus in October as exports surged despite global supply-chain disruptions. Exports rose 27.1% in dollar terms last month from a year earlier to $300.2 billion, data from the General Administration of Customs showed Sunday. That was the 13th straight month of double-digit growth, and exceeded economists’ expectations of […]

WEC Report Going Up for Download

These are the American & Asia Market Reports for WEC attendees that will be available for down load when you get your email. These cover the ISA, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil in the American Report and China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and Thailand in the Asian Report

Market Talk – November 1, 2021

We will take a short recess from Market Talk to focus on this year’s annual World Economic Conference. The conference will take place in Orlando, FL, but virtual tickets are still available. Click here to learn more. ASIA: China’s official manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index for October came in at 49.2 over the weekend, below the […]

Biden’s Abuse of the Military

  In WWI, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, and Afghanistan, we asked our soldiers to sacrifice their lives to preserve our liberties. Today, using this orchestrated pandemic, we ask them to sacrifice their liberties to save our lives. Get the Jab or you are fired! They’re polar opposites. Remember the Bonus Army Then with 46% […]