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Carbon Tax Will Lead to Bloodshed & Revolution

New York Time Map of Carbon Taxes In Germany, the excuse to help save the planet is always about adding more taxes to punish the people for just living. Already, there is a 7% value-added tax (VAT) on meat. German politicians are proposing to raise the tax on meat to 19%. Of course, this is […]

Market Talk – February 20, 2020

  ASIA: The slowdown in India’s economy has taken a toll on the savings of its citizens and that has resulted in the country’s savings rate falling to a 15-year low. India’s gross savings fell to 30.1% of the GDP in 2018-19 from 34.6% in 2011-12 and 36% in 2007-08. The previous low was 29% […]

Market Talk – February 5, 2020

ASIA: Hong Kong announced that any travelers from mainland China will be faced with a 14-day quarantine period before being allowed into the country. Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, said the measure will be in effect at midnight on the 8th of February. The virus has now affected around 25,000 people globally and deaths […]

Do Rising or Falling Sea Levels Prove Anything?

QUESTION: The argument that man has caused global warming and that sea levels will rise is evidenced by many places that were on the sea are now inland such as Pevensey Castle in Essex. Would you address that argument? Is there any credence to this? Thank you GJ REPLY: They believe that Pevensey Castle was […]

Market Talk – January 30, 2020

ASIA: The coronavirus is taking all the headlines today, as the number affected has grown exponentially (standing at 170 deaths) and all states in China are now affected. Our colleagues in China have reported that highways have been closed and the public needs special permission to travel from city to city. There has been a […]

The ECM & Who to Blame

COMMENT: You are dangerous. The stock market peaked on your model again but nobody’s models work like that so it is just more proof you don’t advertise because you are way too influential. So what are you up to now? You are against the progressive movement and you will undermine what we work for to […]

ECM Day is Here

  The Economic Confidence Model has marked specific highs and lows in markets to the very day at times depending upon the shifts in capital flows. Why has the business cycle been masked in complexity that has prevented many from comprehending how it functions? I believe this is the result of the average person always […]

Volcanoes & the Risk During Solar Minimum

COMMENT: Dear Marty, Thank you so much for warning all for what is coming ! Sorry to keep reflecting on details, you wrote :“The real issue is the threat of a VEI 6- 7 which could seriously alter the climate for a year or two resulting in a Volcanic Winter. The other risk is 5 […]

Market Talk – January 14, 2020

ASIA: President Trump’s trade war with Beijing reduced the US’ trade deficit with China last year, although Chinese manufacturers still export far more to the US than vice versa. China’s widening surplus provided ready ammunition to the Trump administration as it placed round after round of tariffs on the country’s goods to get Beijing to […]

Understanding Cycles

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I met someone who used to work for you. He said your models are far more complex than anyone imagines and that it is not a simple algorithm. He said you have relied on quantum mechanics which is why nobody has been able to duplicate what you do. Would you care […]