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Central Banks Trapped by Their Theories

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I can understand how JP and EU backed themselves into a corner with negative rates. Happy to give them the benefit of the doubt when this all started 3-4 years ago even though it was obvious this was not going to end well. However, what I don’t understand is the thought process […]

Municipalities Going Bust Everywhere

We must understand that municipalities are going broke everywhere in the West. More than 50% of the municipalities in Germany are in trouble. We see the same trend everywhere. The Swedish Kommunivest movement where municipalities banned together to sell their debt which they cannot pay off only illustrates the problem. We then have states/provinces facing […]

Winter Wonderland – Volatility in Weather & Communism

Our computer models have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is absolutely no basis for human-caused global warming and that the climate has ALWAYS changed. There is no foundation to presume that the climate is being altered by humans. There have been previous periods where CO2 levels have been more than twice […]

Culture & Workforce Are Key to the Value of a Currency

QUESTION: Hi Martin – was reading your latest post where you say “All currency is backed by the total productive capacity of its people.” – if this is the case, wouldn’t the number of productive workforces indicate a stronger currency? I take the case of India with a young workforce, and compare that with the […]

Market Talk – October 7, 2019

ASIA: Hong Kong protests have entered in to the 18th weekend, in which there has been no slowing down to the protests and violence has been escalating. This weekend has seen protestors using petrol bombs against the police following the controversial face mask ban. The Chinese military based in Hong Kong issued a warning to […]

Hong Kong Anti-Mask Riot – Will this Become a Worldwide Contagion?

The protest in Hong Kong over remove all masks has a deeper concern which has sparked the most violent protests yet. China’s “social compliance ranking” is an AI system that is based on facial recognition software. The deep concern is that this new law is to identify who the people are and then arrest them […]

WEC Tickets – Verifying if We Have Seats Available

What happens when the ECM turns down, civil unrest rises, and capital flees during a pending liquidity crisis? Find out at the "alternative to Davos!" Click below for more information.

Deep State & the Latest Ukrainian Scandal

QUESTION: Do you think this latest Ukraine scandal is another attempt by the Deep State to get rid of Trump? SK ANSWER: Yes, I do. This whistleblower did NOT have direct knowledge. His report was wrong but that does not seem to matter even though it was not something he even had personal knowledge of. […]

We Have Only 12 Years to Live – Are they using the ECM?

  QUESTION: Do you think AOC and her cohorts are using your ECM for their 12-year forecast? Add 12 years to 2020 and you come to 2032! PH ANSWER: You know, I never looked at that. Interesting perspective. We have a lot of problems, but climate change that is caused by humans is not on […]

Japan’s Monetary System is a Warning to Modern Society

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; My friend who retired from the Bank of Japan told me you had recreated the monetary system of Japan and that was how you could predict the yen would go below par back in 1995 and again in 2011. Could you please publish the chart on the yen showing the full monetary […]