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The Hunt for Money

COMMENT: Hi Martin; thank you very much for your informative blog, i started reading at the beginning of the year and it’s the only one I make sure never to miss a single post. You are the first person I recall mentioning that $3,000 transactions are being kept an eye on. Here is another strange case. […]

French say 60% of National Debt is Illegal – Default Anyone?

I have been warning that there will be no solution without a massive debt default. This is simply the way it has historically always gone down. Public debt, which is strangely considered quality, has been actually the worst that can possibly exist. Simply stated, no government has ever paid its debt except the single exception […]

The $19 Trillion in Retirement Accounts

QUESTION: Thank you for your blog.  You put a lot of work and knowledge into it.  Again, thanks. When you talk about $19 Trillion in pensions in the USA I take that to mean “pensions.” But then you said “retirement accounts” or retirement savings”, which may include IRAs. Do you foresee all forms of tax-advantaged savings […]

I told You So

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I know you never solicit input but I must tell you that after reading your blog I have no desire to read any of the 12 other publications I used to read about politics and economics. I truly feel now that it is all BS when I read those. My question […]

Will the USA Break-Up? Will all assets rise? How does this really work?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, As I continue to read your blog, I have to wonder if America will survive the coming hardships.  America is split about 50-50 politically with no real possibility of reconciliation.  Victory for one side or the other (left or right) is the only real “solution”. Given this perspective is it possible America will […]

Future Web Conferences

COMMENT: Martin Armstrong. Hi – I was a die-hard goldbug. You changed me for ever Martin. Thank you. I think you will be remembered as one of the greatest economists of all times. I am from Argentina and I always read your work. I am just a white collar bank analyst from Argentina who thought that […]

One-World Government – Impossible / One-World-Currency Inevitable

COMMENT: Hello Martin, Finally you have raised the issue of the “global currency reset.” I have always been of the same opinion expressed by you that in a floating currency regime an administrative devaluation is not possible. What would be the basis of the new reserve currency? A link to a metal or to a (somewhat) floating […]

Can Countries Devalue a Currency Anymore?

QUESTION: What is ‘modern day’ currency devaluation? I have read your articles about the 1930s devaluation and I also do understand what money is (thanks to your writings). I am not sure what ‘modern day’ currency devaluation is and I was hoping you may write more about this subject. I know there is a lot […]

2013 August 7th What Was it? Nothing or a Watershed Shift?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I have been reading almost all of your writings in the past 4-5 years.  I just wanted to clarify or dig a little bit deeper on your blog post today for the Dow and the ECM.  You noted that we must wait until the bottom of the ECM in September this […]

The End Goal

COMMENT: Marty, the blog has been spot on recently… thanks so much for your efforts.  As time goes on, it may be beneficial for you to re-share both lesser and more well known historical examples for how society has instituted meaningful non-violent political change.  Perhaps later down the road readers could somehow coordinate by geographic […]