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Tax System explained with Drinking Beer


War & Who is the Aggressor?

What is very clear is that the philosophy adopted by the US military post-World War II seriously threatens world peace and it diminishes the dignity of the United States. In the Cycle of War report, I provided the evidence that every single war we have engaged in has been a lie not just the invasion of Iraq […]

Bernie Sanders Admits the Democrats Are a Failure

  Bernie Sanders is probably the only Democrat who has been honest enough to admit that the Democratic Party has been a complete failure. It’s focus on Marxism and creating class warfare has been a serious issue that will fuel civil unrest as the Socialist agenda continues to implode. Sanders recently said: “The business model, […]

New Jersey Pinelands Show the State was Mostly Underwater Historically

QUESTION: I too live in New Jersey, hopefully not for long. I put my house up for sale to get out of town between the taxes and the climate turning colder, it’s time to leave. But probably half the state is sand and was obviously under water. When the water rushed into the Mediterranean, the […]

Do Terrorists Carry Out Archaeological Digs?

That has been the proposition that antiquities were being looted to fund terrorists. There really has been no direct evidence of any such terrorist market in antiquities. A long-awaited report by the World Customs Organisation (WCO) (WCO itr-2016-en)  has finally emerged which focuses on the trafficking of cultural property for the first time. The claims have proven […]

Mexico & the 112 Year Cycle

QUESTION: Dear Martin As usual, I have no words to thank the sincere and incomparable work that you did for us, and almost for free. People like you should be a reference for future generations. You really are a Punk, in the best sense of the word [anti-autoritaritharism, DIY, direct action..]. I’m writing you because the […]

The Collapse of Society – Are the Doom & Gloomers Even on the Right Page?

QUESTION: Hey Marty, Thanks for the incredible information you are sharing. I subscribe to your service and read your blog every day. Do preppers have any justification in planning for a complete collapse, be it economic, political or otherwise? I keep a 30 day supply of freeze dried food but I have friends that are much […]

The Unsound Theory of Inflation

QUESTION: You defend central banks yet the Rothschilds when clearly Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild said: “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws.”  Any comment? SL ANSWER: No problem. He never said any such thing it was completely made up. It was attributed to him in 1838 when he […]

Eurozone Banking Crisis – ECB Delays Rules for Bad Loans until 2021

The European Central Bank (ECB) has postponed its new guidelines for banks because if it did not, the Italian banking system would simply collapse. The ECB has given Eurozone area banks more time to adapt to new guidelines on how to deal with bad loans. The deadline has been postponed from 2018 off into 2021. The […]

Left v Right – Why the Western Society is Really Collapsing

    QUESTION: Hi Marty, we just saw the German elections play out. For Germany, this is a huge move to the left – at least in government. They also say that Europe will be strongly supported. I guess that means shoveling money to Brussels and raising it via more and more taxes. Now, I researched […]