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Obama to Raise Minimum Wage by Executive Order

The entire issue of raising the minimum wage is so distorted and the press just jumps all over it and plays it like the rich v the poor. Obama will announce that he will sign an executive order increasing the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 for new federal contracts. But what people fail to grasp […]

The Paradox of the Dollar & the Crash

The dollar haters remain fixated on supply is supposed to determine value with a very myopic view that never considers DEMAND. They simply cannot understand why the dollar has not collapsed and in turn cling to some wild all-powerful conspiracy behind the strength of the dollar. I have stated countless times, the money center banks […]

Hyperinflation Is it even Possible?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have investigated your explanation of hyperinflation and can see that you are correct in that this is limited to third world and revolutionary governments. Is it correct to say that as government becomes a bit more aggressive to try to meet its obligations, the economic collapse is a self-destruction process of […]

Panic of 1869

Black Friday The period of 1864-1869 is an interesting one to say the least. The confidence in government was at an all time low. The infamous “Black Friday” was a term first coined to describe September 24, 1869. This was a day of financial panic of major proportions – so serious that the government called […]

Fed Meeting Tomorrow

The employment and growth data have improved since the last Fed meeting in October, and Congress has reached a two-year budget deal that takes them right up to 9/30/2015 perfectly in line with the ECM peak at 2015.75. Our target date has been published for years and is a straight mathematical formula. The precise day […]

Bubble in Stocks?

The Amazing thing is people are already talking about this is a BUBBLE that is unsustainable. They are now claiming household income is down 4% yet the S&P 500 is up 70%. They are incapable of any real analysis. The RETAIL investor is NOT involved in this market. There is no wild speculative fever. They […]

Medicare is Seizing Estates of anyone over 55.

Submitted by Glen Downs: “So here’s the deal: since 1993 there has been a federal law requiring states to recover at least some of the costs of Medicaid-covered medical care for anyone 55 years old and up, from the estates of those covered. States enforce this law, with their own laws and policies added in, […]

European Banking Crisis – Seizing 10% of Everyone’s Accounts – Hello Cyprus

The European Banking Crisis is getting much worse and the whole structure is crumbling to dust. The banks cannot save themselves. The entire crisis is all about the structural design of the Euro, which the politicians will not address. They failed to create a single national debt and in so doing, the banks then used […]

Fed is Trapped – They Have Injected Tremendous Volatility Into the System

The Fed said that it would continue buying bonds at an $85 billion monthly pace for now, expressing concerns that a sharp rise in borrowing costs in recent months could weigh on the economy. What the Fed is really saying is that behind-the-curtain everyone is screaming that interest rates will rise and that will blow […]

Fed Tapering – To be or Not to be?

QUESTION: Will the Fed still taper? ANSWER: The Fed ‘tapering’ will happen but it is not truly impacting the economy. That is the whole fallacy about what is going to happen. Buying the mortgage back securities does nothing for the economy. This has neither been inflationary nor stimulating.WHY? The theory is the Fed is actually injecting […]