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Louvre Accord v Plaza Accord

QUESTION: I notice you often cite the *Plaza Accord* when on the topic of central bank currency manipulation. That accord was signed in 1985 with an aim to devalue the USD. Could you write a little on the *Louvre Accord” signed just two years later, in 1987, with an aim to reverse the unwanted effects […]

Supreme Court Backs Trump on Immigration

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, you were correct. The Supreme Court supported Trump on the travel ban. REPLY: The entire issue was political. The six countries were targeted by Obama to begin with. The President has absolute power over that issue and it was a joke that any lower court would dare to intervene. The 4th […]

German Hyperinflation & What They Do Not Teach in School

QUESTION: Dear Marty Following your blog is a good way to counter the propaganda in our society. Today you stated: ‘This was the fate of the hyperinflation in Germany. It was NOT the Quantity of Money theory, it was the fact that there was a 1918 Communist Revolution in Germany where they had even asked […]

The Bank that was Small Enough to Jail

QUESTION: Marty; there is another documentary on the Abacus Bank and how they were singled out and charged for the 2007-2009 crash. While they said this was a tiny banks for immigrants that was too  Small Enough to Jail, I found this offensive that they said it was the first bank to be indicted since 1991. Not even Matt Taibbi […]

WHY are banks Too Big to Fail & Too Big To Jail

There is something much more sinister going on behind the curtain. I have warned that you really are taking your life in your hands doing business in New York City with a bank because NOBODY ever wins against the bankers no matter what they do. This begs the question about why are banks paying huge […]

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

President Donald Trump is about to make a decision that will mark his presidency forever. There are some 800,000 technically illegal aliens who came to the States as small children brought by their parents. They have gone to school here, fell in love here, and very often, they have married an American and have children […]

The Unconstitutionality of Progressive Income Taxes – It is Time to Force the Supreme Court to Rule to Stop a Revolution in the Wings

How is it possible that we can have legalized class warfare and politicians run on extorting the rich at gun point with threat of imprisonment if they do not pay their “fair share” which is somehow a higher percentage than everyone else and this miraculously does not violate Equal Protection and Justice for All? The […]

Trump is He His Own Worst Enemy?

QUESTION: You seem to have given up hope on Trump getting his agenda through Congress. Do you agree that the Trump presidency is a failure? BV ANSWER: There is no question that the powers that be are out to stop Trump at all costs. They are indeed winning. But Trump is his own worst enemy. […]

North v South & Revising History

COMMENT: Robert E. Lee, before the outbreak of the war, was overwhelmingly regarded as the finest military mind in the U.S. army. Winfield Scott offered him command of all Union forces at the outbreak of hostilities. But he chose allegiance to his state of Virginia, rather than the Federal government. He didn’t fight for slavery. He […]

Australian Senator Wear Burqa to Demonstrate a Point

Australian Senator Pauline Hanson entered the Senate in a burqa. While others immediately condemn her for anti-Muslim stunts, what about women’s rights? Did that die with the Sixties? Hanson has said that “these people” who wear burqas “should go to a country that suits their needs.” Should the West change its culture to accommodate those who […]