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Is NYC Just Insane? No – Greedy.

The Actor Alec Baldwin was arrested Tuesday in New York City and issued two summonses — one for disorderly conduct for arguing with a cop (IRS Agent on Wheels) — after riding a bicycle the wrong way on a New York street, police said. NYC is so insane with attacking people for everything to hand […]

Are we Headed into Global Fascism?

Fascism has been a term applied to the manner of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator/bureaucracy that is unelected or a republic with pretend “lifetime” politicians,  controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government. Such systems have always placed the […]

Russia using Chechnya Troops to Occupy Eastern Ukraine – This is Checkmate

In Slowjansk, Eastern Ukraine, we have our own direct sources that confirm with photographs that Russian troops have invaded and occupy the city. We have direct confirmation that these men in green are from the Russian forces, but mostly from Chechnya. The Web Cameras that use to broadcast all the time in Slowjansk have been […]

World War III on the Horizon?

Russia and China are becoming closer thanks to Obama and his insane policies behind the NSA that have left America trying to find friends in a dark hour. The sanctions being imposed on Russia have sent China into its camp. The USA is finding it increasingly more difficult to be the bully in the school-yard. […]

How Your Cell Phone Threatens Your LIBERTY

Technology played a key role in the Arab Spring as it has in Ukraine. The propaganda that the Ukrainian Revolution was inspired by a CIA plot covered up the fact that it was truly a grass-roots uprising against corruption diminishing the real issue these people were fighting for. They confuse the effort of the USA […]

Yes Socrates Monitors the World

A ton of questions have been coming in. Why the name? I have always called him Socrates from the first day he spoke. Read the Apology of Socrates written by Plato where he was condemned to death for basically knowing too much. The Oracle of Delphi was asked who was the smartest man in all […]

It’s Not the Rich – It’s The Total Cost of Gov’t That is Killing the Economy

QUESTION: Do you believe in a fairer system where there is a minimum income cap and a maximum asset cap? We live in an age where productivity has risen through the roof due to technological advancement. Don’t you think humanity is at the stage where it can afford to offer basic income to people so better checks and […]

Thomas Piketty – Another Economist on the loose out to DESTROY the World as We Know it.

Just what we need – another economist with ZERO real work experience. The latest economist destined to destroy the world in the same manner as Karl Marx is Thomas Piketty and his new book Capital in the Twenty-First Century that is destined to perhaps kill more people than Marx ever did. Piketty is only focused on the […]

The Man Who Thought He Was King And Wants to Rule The World – Harry Reid’s July 1st 2014 Anti-Freedom Act

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; there is a lot of hype from the gold bugs that the dollar will collapse July 1st because of the new FATCA reporting requirements. Is there any truth to this for I cannot see how this is possible with all the geopolitical events. And the banks have been chasing Americans out in advance […]

Inflation is not Always Caused by Change in Money Supply – Deflation is Engulfing Europe

COMMENT: Marty; I have to say this was the best conference you have done since 2011. It was the most organized and the live demo of talking to the website was unbelievable. The film clip you showed on cycles was amazing illustrating the hidden order within the nature of all things. However, I do not […]