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The Press’ Conspiracy to Overthrow our Way of Life Exposed?

The Washington Times has come out with the story which is inevitable: COVID-19 turning out to be huge hoax perpetrated by media All my sources have been saying this from the very beginning. Trump needs to get off his ass and start defending the Constitution and the entire world against these people who failed in […]

Coronavirus Tourism in Sweden

Sweden is actually starting to benefit from the coronavirus lockdown in Europe. The restaurants are starting to fill as are hostels with Europeans traveling to Sweden just to be free to go to the spa, out to dinner, and try to enjoy life as normal. Sweden is experiencing what we may call Coronavirus Tourism. Sweden […]

WHO Tries to Dazzle People with Numbers – Not Reality

This is the WHO clip that the leftist newspapers are using to justify why we should remain locked down for Bill Gates’ 18 months. Besides, I think we will see a revolution by that time around the world. If you listen carefully, you will see the first speaker offer his opinion but does not mention […]

Comment From China

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong, Absolutely agree that the lockdown and social distancing will alter society profoundly. Notwithstanding the China’s government promoting inter-province movement, there is still lingering reluctance by the people to travel to Hubei province unless they have to. Apparently the narrative now on social media in China is to avoid Guangzhou because of some […]

California ER Doctors Speak Out

California ER Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi This is the same information we are getting from around the country. Hospitals are empty and unless this lockdown is lifted, we will actually see doctors being laid off because there is nobody there and normal healthcare has been suspended. The real public health crisis is the […]

The Press is Deliberately Trying to Hurt People for Political Change?

People are starving because of this nonsense of locking down the entire nation. Many live paycheck to paycheck. The leftist media could care less. The total population in Florida is 21.48 million people. The total cases were 30,533 with 1,046 deaths. This is about one-third of the death rate from the flu.   2018 – […]

Sex Workers, Homeless & Suicides on the Rise Thanks to COVID-19

  The lockdown has had so many ripple effects that it is just mind-numbing. Shutting down restaurants and retail stores have had already a profound impact. Many girls have been left with no choice but to turn to the sex trade. Some are engaging in physical contact while others are selling nude photos and videos […]

Everything Has a Cycle – Even the Coronavirus

Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University has plotted the growth rates of new coronavirus infections of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Spain. What he has revealed is what Socrates had forecast with the peak coming the week of April 6. The professor found that irrespective of whether the […]

At Last – Gates’ Objective is Revealed – Destroy Economy Relaunch without CO2

  SKY News Australia has reported the smoking gun. The UN-funded financial arm of the Paris Agreement has labeled the coronavirus an “opportunity” to raise funds for climate change action and “relaunch economies on low-emission, climate-resilient trajectories”. The extraordinary statements have been published in a document by the Green Climate Fund – an international organization […]

The 2020-2022 Great Depression Coming to Neighborhood Near You!

Neiman Marcus Group is preparing to seek bankruptcy according to Reuters. I have warned that brick & motor stores are in trouble and this lockdown will ensure that people will not be returning to malls and restaurants as they did before. All of the major retail stores are facing credit downgrades. Forbes has warned many […]