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What Should the Next Fed Chairman Do?

QUESTION:  “If you were appointed to be the next FED Chairman (after Bernanke), what would you do to solve today’s problem?” M.J. ANSWER: SCREAM! Look for the longest rope, tie it around my neck and jump. The Fed is really powerless despite popular belief. The whole problem breaks down into two parts: 1) We have […]

O'Neil v. Vermont, 144 U.S. 323 (1892)

U.S. Supreme Court O’Neil v. Vermont, 144 U.S. 323 (1892) O’Neil v. Vermont No. 6 Argued January 20, 1892 Decided April 4, 1892 144 U.S. 323 ERROR TO THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF VERMONT Syllabus A complaint, in Vermont, before a justice of the peace, for selling intoxicating liquor without authority, was in […]

UK taken to court by EU for not paying non-Brits Social Services

The Eu is like a guy in drag. All dressed up as a woman, but when you look under the dress you get more than a surprise in a Crackerjack Box. On the one hand they created a single currency, laws that allowed freedom of movement, and the right to receive social benefits from all […]

Welcome to the New International Currency – the Dollar

With the dramatic increase in the money supply as illustrated here with the St. Louis Fed Chart, 99% of the people are simply baffled saying – It’s got to be inflationary! But this is like the old TV commercials when Burger King used the little old lady who would look at a competitor’s burger and […]

Maastricht Treaty PROTOCOLS

  PROTOCOLS   PROTOCOL ON THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IN DENMARK THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES, DESIRING to settle certain particular problems relating to Denmark, HAVING AGREED UPON the following provision, which shall be annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community: Notwithstanding the provisions of this Treaty, Denmark may maintain the existing legislation on the […]

Correlations & Who Is To Blame

QUESTION: If the dollar rises, does that not mandate a gold decline or can they rally together? ANSWER: Although everything is cast in this world as some sort of direct cause and effect, that is our problem associated with linear thinking since it just does not work that way.The world is really dynamic and that […]

Central Banks & Gold

QUESTION: “You wrote ‘Some central banks appear poised to sell gold to raise money given they have no intent to return to a gold standard.’ Which ones are the sellers and the buyers?” ANSWER: Those who are thinking about selling are the ones in financial trouble. This is being discussed among Euro members. Germany is not […]

Cyprus Proposal

Cyprus Proposal  March 27th, 2013, 5:00PM EST Cyprus Proposal   The paramount questions remain:   1)     What is the end-game solution for the Euro? 2)     How will the Euro survive after the Cyprus solution? 3)     What is to be accomplished by staying in the Euro and suffering the indignities Brussels is inflicting upon Cyprus? 4)     […]


GRISWOLD v. CONNECTICUT, 381 U.S. 479 (1965) 381 U.S. 479 GRISWOLD ET AL. v. CONNECTICUT. APPEAL FROM THE SUPREME COURT OF ERRORS OF CONNECTICUT. No. 496. Argued March 29-30, 1965. Decided June 7, 1965. Appellants, the Executive Director of the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, and its medical director, a licensed physician, were convicted as […]

IN RE SINKING FUND CASES, 99 U.S. 700 (1878)

U.S. Supreme Court IN RE SINKING FUND CASES, 99 U.S. 700 (1878) 99 U.S. 700 (L.Ed.) SINKING-FUND CASES. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY v. UNITED STATES. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY v. GALLATIN. October Term, 1878 APPEAL from the Court of Claims. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of California. The […]