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Grabbing Money for the Next Trade

COMMENT: Marty, it is becoming really disgusting. Either they are slandering you for saying commodities were going down as if you were the anti-Christ, or they just outright rob all your work and pretend it is original with dates like October 7th claiming they use Kondratieff Waves that will never yield October 7th as a […]

Interviews & Press

Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2024 Deep State War – Interview with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson (7/18/24) Fall of Dominance and New World […]

Civil Unrest, Revolution, & the Phase Transition Curve

Political corruption is everywhere, no matter what country we look at. Standing up for the truth will become increasingly prominent. This is part of the War Cycle – the civil unrest side. Career politicians and the mainstream media simply do not get it. They assume this is normal; no one ever said anything about them […]

Manipulations & Exaggerations

QUESTION: Why do you say the banks do short-term manipulations but not constant manipulations? ANSWER: Because it is absurd. There is no profit in perpetual manipulation. Every single manipulation they have ever done in the metals has been to the upside because they know it is easier to get people to buy. This is all […]

WEC & Models

This year’s World Economic Conference will focus on the future and our model design so that you can understand and employ this for your level of investment/trading. We have sent out information on the background history of cycles, so we do not have to cover that in the WEC. This year will be more about […]

World Economic Conference vs. General Non-Investor Audiences

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Have you ever considered holding a world economic conference at a university for us younger followers at a more affordable cost. I am sure there are more like myself who would love the opportunity to hear your thoughts on the current issues that plaque our society, as well as ways in which […]

Did Cycle Theory Begin With The Discovery of a Rhinoceros?

You may not realize it, but it was the discovery of a frozen rhinoceros in Siberia that introduced cycle theory and altered everything in science igniting the Age of Enlightenment. Cycle theory is responsible for just about everything in physics and illustrates why the global warming/climate change crowd is simply pursuing an agenda for government to raise […]

Artificial Intelligence & Neural Nets – Sorting out Truth from Fraud

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it seems many people are starting to pretend they have artificial intelligence systems and neural nets. It seems that they are using these terms very loosely. Can you explain the real difference? Everyone I have spoken to says you are the father of AI in finance. Thank you for all you contribute […]

Canadian Election: “Sunny ways my friends. Sunny ways.”

The Canadian elections are on par with the world trend – whoever is in office, throw the bums out. The election took place on Monday, October 19, the anniversary of the 1987 stock market crash. The Liberals in Canada toppled the Conservatives as many Canadians saw their Head of State, Mr. Harper, as a dictatorial heavy-handed […]

Why We Are Doomed To Repeat History?

QUESTION: Martin, Why do citizens of a country continually allow their government to destroy the nation without putting up a “real” fight? You have given many examples and no one ever seems to fight until things get really, really bad and it’s too late. Regards, MLO ANSWER: This is the sad state of affairs. People […]