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The Collapse of the American Dream

The American Dream, where once upon a time, was when a parent saved to raise their children to have a perpetual better life than they had. Parents would save for their college education and they pushed their children to achieve. My father began saving the day I was born for my college education and law […]

Using Fear to Gain More Power

  The Press is not reporting all the protests in Europe. Millions of people are now protesting in virtually every city throughout Germany. The number of protests throughout Germany is far too great to even list them all. Major protests are appearing in Brussels, Austria, France, and Italy while the media is pretending nothing is […]

Does Liz Cheney Belong in Jail?

QUESTION: Marty; Do you think Newt Gingrich is correct about Liz Cheney that she could face jail time? GG ANSWER: Absolutely! I believe she is a vile individual and her father is responsible for the Iraq War. His former company Haliburton, to which he gave all the spoils, when it was going to be investigated, […]

Facebook Continues to Mute the Truth

Facebook fact-checkers have become the new Gestapo by silencing anyone who opposes the Great Reset narrative. The Taliban is permitted to operate on social media. However, that privilege was taken away from a sitting US president (Donald Trump) and others whose voices are deemed too dangerous for society. Ron Paul is the latest voice to […]

Emerging Markets & Political Crisis Ahead

China has asked the Fed to please not raise rates. This has confused many to wonder when China would be asking the Fed not to raise rates. The real reason is the crisis we have in emerging markets and the Sovereign Debt Crisis. Emerging Markets are one of the main victims of tightening US monetary […]

IRS: Expect Tax Delays This Year

The Treasury Department has warned that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may face “enormous challenges” processing returns this year. The IRS usually enters tax season with one million outstanding returns from the year prior, according to the Washington Post. However, the IRS currently has 6 million outstanding individual returns and 2 million unprocessed amended returns […]

Putin Could Take All of Europe in the Blink of an Eye – Its Time to be AWAKE – not WOKE

The most conservative assessments have been that Putin could be in Paris in less than 30 days. Europe has been more concerned about steering money from defense to Marxist socialism. The net result is that Europe is not really prepared for a conventional war with Russia. On top of that, this COVID nonsense which has […]

Liberal White Savior Complex and Voter Suppression

This video shows the complete hypocrisy among liberal voters who claim that voter ID laws are inherently racist. In the first portion of the video above, social justice warriors exhibit their white savior complex by claiming that black Americans do not have the wherewithal to obtain identification. In the second part of the video, the […]

Did the FBI Instigate the Capitol Riot?

The events that occurred on January 6, 2021, were likely facilitated by the federal government. They successfully drew the public’s eye away from the election fraud that took place and portrayed Trump supporters as domestic terrorists. In the video above, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) questioned Jill Sanborn, Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch of the […]

Has Fauci Lied Under Oath? Was COVID Created Because of Him?

  Project Veritas has come up with documents that show that DARPA rejected the proposed experiments into creating a coronavirus from bats that was proposed by Eco Health Alliance which was in bed with the NIH and Fauci.     Fauci is appearing in World Economic Forum videos with everyone who is in league with […]