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Market Talk – August 29, 2019

ASIA: Chinese military vehicles today have been seen moving into Hong Kong according to reports. However, according to the state run news agency Xinhua, this was just an annual exercise to make a schedule rotation. Of course, due to the tensions this could be seen as Chinese steps to military control of the region. Chinese […]

Market Talk – July 30, 2019

ASIA: President Trump criticized China, this time complaining that China has not been buying more US agricultural products as it promised to do. Today, the US and China have resumed talks although no outcome has been presented. The Bank of Japan kept its ultra-low interest rates unchanged, maintaining its short-term interest rate target at -0.1%. […]

Humans Occupy Less Than 3% of the Surface of the Earth

Now the save the planet crew is demanding that 50% of all landmass be void of humans. The real fact is that 95% of the world’s population lives on less than 10% of the land. Obviously, these people really do not understand math. Most of the planet’s surface is covered in water in the form […]

Market Talk – June 17, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Hong Kong repealed their decision to allow extradition to China after thousands went to the streets in protest of the original decision. Prominent activist Joshua Wong has called for the city leader Carrie Lam to step down. Chinese technology giant Huawei has admitted that there has been as much as a 40% […]

Market Talk – May 29, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: There seems to be no end to the US-China trade deal in sight. China is signaling that it could increase tariffs on rare earth materials, which are essential for components in the tech industry. The governments of the United States and Japan have agreed to further cooperation in space, which could include […]

Market Talk – May 28, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: After U.S. President Trump’s visit to Japan concluded, he stated he expects Japan’s military to reinforce the U.S. forces throughout Asia and elsewhere. Meanwhile, Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan is visiting Pakistan before he heads to Europe as both nations are trying to show up regional allies as tensions rise. The founder […]

Are we Heading into a Food Shortage?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I find it really distasteful that you laid out events well in advance and then everyone copies you without ever giving you credit. There are articles now appearing about the coming food shortage. The degree of plagiarism is unbelievable. It must be dishearting. I certainly begin to distrust these people and organizations […]

Concrete Buildings Create C02?

The latest thing now is that constructing office buildings out of concrete and steel is now claimed to account for 5% to 8% of total greenhouse gas. They are now proposing to construct skyscrapers out of wood that are 35 to 40 stories high. They now argue that concrete structures are huge contributors to greenhouse […]

Market Talk – April 30, 2019

ASIA: China today sentences a second Canadian to death for drug smuggling, earlier in the year the two countries had a tense relationship due to the handover of Huawei’s CEO daughter to the US. Washington commented on the Chinese Belt and Road initiative as a huge strategic mistake by allowing China to be at the […]

Market Talk – April 12, 2019

Asia: Recent figures show that Chinese trade with the U.S. has slumped. The figures suggest that the trade between the two countries is down 11% since the beginning of the year. China’s own internal figures are good with the country exporting 14% more in March and imports falling 7%, further increasing their trade balance. The […]