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Will the Elite Wake Up in Time & Confront The Left Climate Fear Campaigns?

I have had some interesting conversations of late with people I would say are among the power-brokers who tend to pour money into the pockets of politicians to get a favored status. There is a rising concern that perhaps in Europe they have assumed this was just fear politics about climate and they have ignored […]

Trump on Interest Rates -OMG!

I have said this many times, when it comes to understanding interest rates Trump is speaking the standard mantra that people apply when it comes to interest rates. Trump is a borrower, not a lender. His bankruptcies were the result of the business cycle and he leverages himself to the hilt so when the recession […]

Sunspot & Climate Change

QUESTION: If there are no sunspots, then why do we have the heatwave this summer. What were the sunspots in the heatwave of 1937? Seems like there is no correlation between sunspots and temperature? CM ANSWER: Everything is far more complex than a single relationship. The lack of sunspots relates to the historical evidence that […]

Japan Still Declining into 2021

QUESTION: When I saw your blog saying 2019 will be really crazy and chaotic year for Japan (Feb 2019), I was curious how bad it could be. It is always amazing to see how you and your Socrates turning point manifest in the real world. I was astonished when Japan restricted exports of critical materials […]

Climate Change Has been a Routine Scare Tactic Since the 1930s

QUESTION: Is there a pattern? C ANSWER: For whatever reason, these people have been promoting that the cities will all sink and we are the cause of it all. They have been touting this scenario since the 1930s when there was the Dust Bowl. It resurfaced after World War II when they were trying to […]

Why the CNN Fake News & Others are a Major Threat to Democracy

We think of false information as a domestic problem that Trump is in the battle with CNN and the term “fake news” is just political talk. It’s far more dangerous than that. The history books confirm that the Spanish American War was created by the press falsely reporting an attack that never took place. The […]

Global Warming is Undermined by New Discoveries

Nobody wants to listen to the evidence against Global Warming because the government doesn’t hand out money for research that fails to justify new taxes. Real scientists have just discovered a massive previously unknown source of nitrogen that could turn the Global Warming nonsense on its head. My bet is that it will be ignored. […]

Do We Face Global Cooling or an Ice Age?

QUESTION #1: You expect global cooling due to the decrease in solar energy. Why do glaciers melt? MG QUESTION #2: Now that the Greenland Glacier is growing, is this part of the shift back toward global cooling? Do you think we are headed to an ice age? FH ANSWER: There appears to be a 20-year […]

Dark Forces & the Dying Embers of Freedom of Speech

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I’ve been a big fan of your blogs for all these years. May I ask if you have any recommendation of books or your previous blogs that can help us re-understand better the most important topic that impacts us and that is the understanding of the Cycles in our lives? Thanks and regards, […]

Gold in Currencies

QUESTION: Hello Marty, I have a question about Gold & Silver in other currencies – namely GBP. Accepting your rational, with evidence I must say, that precious metals are a reflection of the confidence people have in their countries currency, you can see from the price of gold & silver in GBP and EURO that […]