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The 2018 Mid-Term Elections

The Mid-Term elections are starting already. There is a huge amount of money being poured into the Democrats to retake the Senate. The entire object here is to reverse the Republican agenda and to return the country back to the class warfare traditions of the Democrats. Of course, this is what will be the final straw […]

Conflict between Fiscal & Monetary Policy

We are moving into a crisis of monumental proportions. There has been a serious fundamental problem infecting economic policy on a global scale. This conflict has been between monetary and fiscal policy. While central banks engaged in Quantitative Easing, governments have done nothing but reap the benefits of low-interest rates. This is the problem we have with […]

The Supreme Court Could Destroy the Economy in One Decision

In a 1992 case, the Supreme Court refused to require that mail-order retailers collect sales taxes from buyers in other states. For a quarter-century, that has given the online retailers a competitive advantage over brick-and-mortar stores. The States are broke and they are pushing to compel everyone online to collect sales taxes for them. We are […]

Modi Has Sent More People Fleeing from India Than At Any Previous Time

Politicians just do not get it. They have convinced themselves that they can tax whatever they desire and people have no choice but to pay. Missing in their analysis are two influences (1) people just stop earning income for it reaches a point it is not worth working anymore, and (2) you simply pick-up and […]

Trump v Winfrey?

QUESTION: Your comment about the pension Ponzi scheme. I agree that it is something that needs to brought to the forefront. One of the reasons I left Illinois. But I can’t understand why you mention Oprah Winfrey and her qualifications when the current person in the office has none either, and he’s a caucasian ANSWER: […]

In Rotterdam You Have to Prove You Bought the Clothes You Wear

  We have another insane police tactic designed to again strip us of our right and clothing. The police in Rotterdam can now stop and question you based on if you are wearing expensive clothing. You have to prove you bought it and had the money to do so that was legal (paid taxes on it) […]

2017 WEC Q&A Session with Michael Campbell

Michael Campbell of "MoneyTalks Radio"  sits down with Martin Armstrong for a candid discussion on the future of the global economy going into 2018.

Topics include:

Day 1
1)Public vs Private Wave   2)Bond Market & Interest Rates    3)Rise in the Dollar    4) Global Shifts in Economic Confidence

Day 2
1)Turning Point Factors   2)Interpreting the Panic Cycle    3) Markets in 2018    4) Pensions & Property Taxes 5)New Reserve Currency 6) The Coming Phase Transition

RUNTIME: 01:54:20


The Pension Ponzi Scheme is Coming to an End

  Inevitably, all things must come to an end.  Our entire problem with government is we have ZERO accountability and ZERO qualification standards to even run for office. The Democrats have put forth blacks and women, not because of their abilities, but simply because they want to score votes. The latest proposal was to put […]

Quantity Theory of Money (QTM) & Its Failure

QUESTION: I am most interested in your revisionist view of QTM. You debunk QTM frequently within broader topic discussions, but I’d love for you to address QTM by itself in a historical context. Perhaps starting with the Austrian darling, Henry Thornton, and his “An enquiry into the nature and effects of the paper credit of Great […]

Why the Dollar is the Mainstay of the World Economy

QUESTION: A friend told me the one pound coins I have from a trip to Britain last year were canceled. How can a government simply cancel its money? KL ANSWER: Oh yes. Britain canceled the one pound coins last October. They estimated that £400-450 million pounds became worthless overnight. Europeans routinely cancel their currency. This […]