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William Kristol & Neocons Are Not Conservatives

COMMENT: Marty; you are right. William Kristol is a very dangerous neocon who is only intent on wasting American lives to defend Israel in the Middle East. He has become not conservative but ruthlessly a warmonger. He put out an open letter against Trump because he wanted to pull troops out of the Middle East. […]

Trump Opening America Again

  President Trump played a very smart move against the FAKE NEWS contingent. He outlined broad new federal guidelines for opening up the country that will put the onus on governors to decide how to restart the economies in their states amid mounting fallout from the coronavirus outbreak. The federal guidance doesn’t set a specific […]

The Crisis in Agriculture

What is taking place in agriculture as a direct result of this contrived virus pandemic is beyond contemplation. The agriculture industry can provide some insight on what’s going on. Wheat has rallied to 5870 during March, just poking through the broad uptrend channel from the Great Depression. There is a major crisis unfolding, in part, […]

A Post From Germany

From Anonymous in Germany: Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, In Germany advocate, Ms. Beate Bahner went to the Supreme Court to question the denial of fundamental ground rights in the course of the coronavirus scam. Under the chair of judge  Stephan Harbarth the lawsuit was refused to be disputed. Judge Stephan Harbarth is a member of […]

How Journalists Are Destroying Their Own Jobs

  This is clearly political. The numbers just do not support this panic they are less than the annual flu. Granted, they are rising now, but that is because of the massive fraud going on thanks to the American Medical Association. You would think the death rate is 50% like the Black Plague. Every news […]

Inspector General Report Declassified Shows Democrats Funded Fake Steele Dossier

Sens. Charles E. Grassley and Ron Johnson, both committee chairs and top investigators, said last week that since the Steele Dossier was funded by the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign, this means that the Democrats were actively responsible for spreading Russian disinformation, which plunged the country into political turmoil for much of the last […]

The End of Democracy?

COMMENT #1 [From Germany]: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I owe you an apology. For a long time I was of the opinion that the measures (lockdown, social distancing, flattening the curve) were fully justified. I had also clearly expressed this in my e-mails to you. I must admit that I was wrong. I am a learning […]

China v Gates – Spinning the Conspiracies

There are two schools of thought running around. One blames China for experimenting with Bat Viruses and insist that this was not intentional, but a leak from the Wuhan Lab because of a lack of security. There are some who want to file lawsuits against China in the USA, Britain, and India for damages. Xi […]

Bill Gates Has Been Controlling WHO

  We have a major crisis on our hands. Bill Gates is a VERY SERIOUS threat to not just the world economy, but to world peace. He has been using a loophole that allows health organizations to appear to be government agencies but are not independent and have been actually controlled by Gates. You will […]

Krakatoa Eruption in Indonesia – Dawn of a Volcanic Winter?

Krakatoa has once again erupted on April 11, 2020. The risk of a more serious eruption extends into August 7th, 2020. Indonesia has over 130 active volcanoes, the most of any nation. Of course, there remains the legendary eruption of Krakatoa which culminated in a series of massive explosions over 26–27 August 1883, which were […]