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Market Talk – October 13, 2015

The import numbers released from China early this morning was the last thing the commodity based countries wanted to see, especially after having found some decent optimism in recent trading. The Nikkei suffered the most, losing 1.1% on the day, and that carried forward into late U.S. trading where the futures are currently down a further 0.95%. […]

The War Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is obvious that so many people try to copy your work and pretend it is their original work. The Cycle of War is a classic example. No matter how much they fudge everything, your models work to the day and that is just mind blowing. Nobody has been able to duplicate […]

“The Forecaster” Makes National News in France

The debut of “The Forecaster” made national news in France and the Finance Minister appeared on TV in response. The fascinating aspect of this entire exercise is expanding the knowledge and awareness that there is a business cycle, its duration, and that we are facing a Sovereign Debt Crisis. Raising awareness is the only reason why I […]

2015 World Economic Conference

The 2015 World Economic Conference will review every important country and their markets. We will look at the globe, and in doing so, we will be in a position to see how capital moves and what the future will bring. By reviewing the world, we get to see the global trend and therein lies the […]

Stock Markets Crashing Into the 2015.75

The fact that the stock markets are crashing into the 2015.75 turning point, rather than making a major high, indicates what we should expect to unfold in the future. In 1987, the low was on the day of the ECM, as was the case in 1994, whereas 1998.55 was the high in the Dow that […]

Debt, Debt, & More Debt: 2015.75

The 1985 World Economic Conference Back in 1985, we warned that the Sovereign Debt Crisis would emerge on 2015.75. How was 2015.75 forecast so far back? This is pi; 31.4 years into this Private Wave which began on 1985.65. At the 1998 World Economic Conference, we put out this slide listing the sequence of events. […]

2015 Solution Conference DVD

This DVD is the full-length version of the 2015 Solutions Conference. This two-disc set includes chapters such as “Solution for the Future”, “The Business Cycle”, “What is Money?”, and more. As an additional bonus, the PowerPoint presentation from the conference is also included in this DVD. This DVD is now available exclusively through Amazon. To […]

A Vision for the Youth

In Paris, one of the top schools selected three students to appear of French TV with me to talk about the future. The pressing question was clear: what can they do to change things? In France, banking is taught from a limited perspective of simply a commercial banking operation. They do not explain the role of […]

Gold Confusion

COMMENT: Good Evening Martin, Great blog on the Gold Martin. Don’t bother with the nay -sayers. Most probably he got stock with too much gold and silver. Most people have bias thinking because they hold certain assets. In my country currently, most people are holding minimum 2 to 4 houses. Some are even promoting people to […]

Answering Questions for the Press

 Questions submitted by the Spanish Press Q: You predicted an economic peak by October 1, and you suggest there may be a U.S. government shutdown on that day. What’s going to happen in the following months? A: 2015.75 (September 30/October 1), is the BEGINNING of an economic trend rather than the end. It also happens to be the […]