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Is Hillary Behind the False Charges against Julian Assange?

Hillary has a reputation for being very vindictive. The latest is that she is ultimately behind the whole incident of accusing Julian Assange of sex crimes. This is getting really bad. The one clear link is that the father of negative interest rates, Larry Summers, is also connected to Hillary. You never know what is real […]

Are We Still Suffering from 2007-2009 Crash or is There Something Else?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have a very basic question. With all the trillions of dollars of stimulus in Europe, USA, and Japan, we are in the age of deflation as you have pointed out. The Federal Reserve itself predicts less than 2% economic growth so that is probably optimistic yet the best in the western […]

Buckle Up for the Biggest Tax Increase in American History

Buckle up, because a Hillary victory will be devastating to the economy for taxes are going to rise SUBSTANTIALLY. We are looking at major changes coming in inheritance taxes and of course when Hillary says she will increase taxes for social security and payroll, notice she says the “rich” revealing her core socialist belief that […]

Can a Computer Really Beat Humans in Running the Economy?

QUESTION: Many people has written in asking this basic question: “Do you foresee a time when machine logic prevails in economic decisions?” ANSWER: Yes. What we have today is absolute nonsense. Every crash produces opinions for a solution. NOT EVEN ONCE has anyone ever bothered to ask; “Has this been done before? What was the […]

Market Talk – October 5th, 2016

A steady but quiet day in Asia saw a good performance all around with 0.5% better return. JPY continued its decline reaching the mid 103’s as the Nikkei’s run gained pace. However, the main talking point today even for Asia was the talk of ECB considering to cut-back on their QE pace. Most guys we […]

The Fish Bowl Economy & Academics

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I hope you’re doing well. Having been a follower of yours for some time now, and been enlightened from that, I am ever in your debt for what you have shared and (hopefully!) will continue to share. I am an economic history student studying at the University of Edinburgh, and I have to […]

Real Estate Comes in Different Flavors

QUESTION: So i read your article ” Germany About to Raise Property Taxes Significantly “. It is really amazing to read such a piece. It shows me how important Correlations are. Im eager to learn and i hope i can educate myself by reading a book written by you. My question is, is it correct, that […]

Market Talk – September 26th, 2016

A weaker opening for Asia with the Nikkei 0.7% lower mid-morning and just kept drifting having heard Mr Kuroda inflation expectations and his possible “lower interest rates” comments. The Hang Seng and Shanghai indices traded heavy also as confidence was lost once the Shanghai broke the psychological 3k level. All core Asian indices closed between 1.25 and 1.75% on the day and that certainly […]

Merkel May Be the Worse Politician in all of History

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has got to be the worse politician in history when it comes to understanding the economy. Merkel has ruled out any state assistance for Deutsche Bank AG in the year heading into the national election in September 2017 according to Focus magazine citing unidentified government officials. Merkel is just incapable of making […]

The Hunt for Taxes is Unleashed in Africa

Nigeria has begun the hunt for taxes as they target 700,000 firms as the country is desperate to look for more revenue as its income from oil has collapsed. Nigeria is Africa’s biggest economy and it has entered its first recession in more than 20 years as overspending produces only higher taxes, not economic reform. […]