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Ukraine & the Need to Always Blame Someone & Gov’ts are All the Same – Wake Up

I believe that there is some sort of need for God-like attribution that causes people to always seek to blame someone for their mistakes. Galina Vasilyevna Starovoitova (Russian: Гали́на Васи́льевна Старово́йтова)(1946-1998) was a Russian politician and ethnographer known for her work to protect ethnic minorities and promote democratic reforms in Russia. St. Petersburg has always been […]

Home Land Security wants National License Plate Tracking

These people are trashing everything to do with the Constitution and there is nothing we can do about it when Congress are not real people but career drones who rubber stamp whatever the Bureaucracy desires. The latest proposal is to track all cars nationally. They will know where you are and where you have been […]

Ukraine – ALL OUT WAR

  Ukraine is turning into an outright Civil War. The mercenaries have been attacking the protesters and the death-toll just keeps rising. We have people there on the ground and this is very disturbing to say the least. Kiev has been closed. You cannot get in nor get out. The war is spreading beyond the […]

Tis the Season for War

Tis the season for war and tensions continue to rise on every possible front. I have received so many questions as to how can our Cycle of War be so accurate. This is not a single dimension analysis. It is not my personal opinion. I am not a talking head to fill air time with […]

Corruption in Government is Massive Worldwide

The real cost of corruption runs well into the trillions of dollars when we consider the degree of bribery that even suppresses prosecution of the banks that have abused proprietary trading to undermined the entire world economy. A European report on corruption is out and that puts the cost in Europe at €120 billion, yet the […]

The Collapse of Socialism Driven by Political Corruption

The rise is Civil Unrest is precisely on time and it is being driven by economic decline in the standard of living and the opportunity to even survive thanks to socialism. Government is simply incapable of ever doing anything right or actually doing anything for society other than fill their pockets for self-interest. In Europe, […]

MADMAX v Restructure

QUESTION: Hi Marty, You truly are the gadfly that Plato described of Socrates who kept pestering Greek government till they executed him but who Socrates commented that you are only killing the government and society more than you are killing me!  You talk of the collapse of the American empire sometime in 2032 analogous to […]

Panic of 1869

Black Friday The period of 1864-1869 is an interesting one to say the least. The confidence in government was at an all time low. The infamous “Black Friday” was a term first coined to describe September 24, 1869. This was a day of financial panic of major proportions – so serious that the government called […]

Library & Research

Books & Research Materials – Recommended Reading (Third-Party Books) Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure White Earth Effect Statistical Information Base Population The Euro Design & Crisis+ The Euro in Crisis Rule of Law & Political Movements+ Rule of Law Assassination – tool of Revolution Solutions & Proposals+ Solution to our Crisis Sovereign Debt Crisis Cyprus Proposal […]

JP Morgan Fines for Manipulation et al – Reaching $20 Billion

Beginning with February 24th, 2013, the tide has changed against the market manipulators and little by little the curtain is being pulled back to expose to the world what really is going on that the government and the media have ignored for so long. I have stood my ground against the banks that have engaged […]