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Why We Moved to Switzerland

We firmly believe in privacy and liberty. Ideas even like Bitcoin count on the simple fact that there is some RULE OF LAW that will be respected. There is none. As the Sovereign Debt Crisis unfolds, they are really hunting down everything they can possibly get their hands on. Canada is now taking the position […]

Rising Third Party & How It is All Connected

Back in 1997, we warned that our computer model was forecasting that by 2016, we would see a tremendous rise in third party activity. This was our forecast back then and most said what is your computer drinking over there? The blue line in this chart showed the historical 3rd party movement and how it […]

The 1987 Crash

The 1987 Crash The 1987 Crash also became known as Black Monday referring to Monday October 19th, 1987. It was a fateful day when the US stock market crashed, creating a wave of confusion as capital and government failed to grasp the real underpinnings of currency. The 1987 Crash came precisely to the day on […]

Hoarding Alternative Money & Reforming Banks

Argentina is going through the classic stages of economic collapse. The government seized all pensions. They are destroying everything that gives the people incentive to be a society that emerges from the cooperation of everyone. When government turns against its own people, even as the USA is currently doing, you end up with deflation insofar […]

Failure to Understand the Commodity Market

Some people are just so hung up on this idea of selling paper gold they only try to explain the decline as false caused solely by paper shorts. Sorry – it does not matter! That is the nature of all futures markets. It is merely another twisting of facts to try to explain why a […]

Hitmen That Killed Cyprus

The EU Commission is now engaging in Financial Terrorism for they are the new Hit-Men. They deliberately targeted Cyprus from all the info we have coming from behind the curtain SOLELY because they wanted their banking system destroyed and amazingly, the politicians in Cyprus sold their own country out, after moving their own money to […]

Revolution In Greece?

Pay attention to overseas. It is like fashion. Human nature is global. What you see there, eventually makes its way everywhere. Revolution in Greece is brewing. There has been a collapse in the rule of law on a broad basis. So while Brussels likes to play with the numbers to pretend that Southern Europe is […]

Massive Anti-Government Demonstrations

Argentina seized all pensions. The people are getting to the point that all this socialism is really fascism. Those who keep pointing to hyperinflation better start looking in the opposite direction. Economics is like weather – you can die from too much heat or too much cold – both extremes will kill you. Hyperinflation is […]

The Pension Crisis & Interest Rate Nightmare

We are preparing a very important report on the Global Pension Crisis and the Interest Rate Nightmare that we face. Government will not reform. There will be no HYPERINFLATION because they have no intent upon just printing to meet obligations. That historically has taken place only in governments that are in the process of revolution, […]

ECB Claims South is Richer than North = No Bailouts

The ECB has made a study a few days ago claiming that those in Southern Europe are richer than those in Germany to support the view that no more bailouts will take place of banks. The ECB now claims that Cypriots are more wealthy than the Germans. The average assets of a German household is just […]