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Value of a Currency

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, You have said that money is not gold, or silver, or oil, or fiat currency, but rather represents the collective elbow grease and ingenuity of a people. From the work of Socrates, which country or countries best typify this concept and therefore will become the better countries to live in, so […]

Gates – Stupid or Diabolical?

  Bill Gates is obsessed with his theory on vaccines and is clueless with regard to the economy and all the loss of jobs. People should lose their pensions, their livelihoods, and crime has already risen by 22.5% in New York City. None of this bothers Gates. Then we have the Democrats who are so […]

Hospital Staff Are Getting Infected

COMMENT: Marty, There seems to be a huge rift in the realty scope: I am a surgeon myself and I have two kids that are docs. My son says five are on ECMO in his ICU in Bakersfield and my daughter (fourth year surgical resident writes this): From the residents that I know in NY, […]

Supreme Court Status

Armstrong Petition for Rehearing Many people have written to ask if they can write to the Supreme Court because this is a battle for all of us against the bankers. I guess the more the merrier. I do think if the Supreme Court would take it, they would have to at least address what everyone […]

Are Far-Left Democrats Anti-Religion?

QUESTION: Do these Democrats who are in league with those trying to undermine our economy and future for their personal power have any conscience whatsoever? Do they even believe in God or just money? HJ ANSWER: They are true Marxists who will NEVER publicly admit their beliefs. The only way to determine that is to […]

Bill Gates is the Greatest Threat to Your Future

  Bill Gates is the single greatest threat to your future. His entire agenda is to outlaw all gatherings until you are vaccinated and chipped so they know you are vaccinated. This man is conspiring to take down Western culture. The Left has jumped on his band-wagon so rapidly, this is an unquestionable coup with […]

FT On the Grab for Power

I strongly urge everyone to report this everywhere you can. What Izabella Kaminska has written about here is very important. It is about the rush to change our monetary system without any consideration. They are using the virus to propose drastic changes to the economy without any testing or analysis. There are very FEW Journalists […]

Proposal for New Internet with Kill Switch

COMMENT: As an Englishman qualified to practice law in Virginia and Federal Courts, and very interested in your criticisms of injustices in the American litigation system, I have a suggestion which may seem trivial at first glance but would have an important impact. My suggestion is that you promote a simple but very beneficial change […]

Unprecedented Power Grab

  We are living not just in interesting times, we are living in UNPRECEDENTED TIMES, which has raised the stakes profoundly toward civil war. You have to wonder if someone like Bill Gates is really stupid with respect to economics, or is he deliberately trying to further the same agenda he supported for Climate Change […]

The Emerging COVIDGate Conspiracy

Bill Gates is calling for 10 more weeks of Lockdown in his Op-ed in, of course, the Washington Post. He is becoming a very dangerous man. The jobs lost and the destruction of the world economy is unbelievable. This has been an agenda behind the curtain since January. Anthony Fauci told CNN that effectively Trump […]