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The Real Backdrop Nobody Will Discuss

  The only way to avoid World War III is to listen to both sides. The refusal to listen ensures that we will move into World War III, and this is not my opinion; unfortunately, our computer has never been wrong, for it is unbiased. It called BREXIT when nobody else did, and also forecast […]

Hackers Join the War Russia’s media has promoted the “military action” in Ukraine as a necessary measure in an attempt to mislead the people from seeing this as an all-out invasion. Russia’s communications regulator (Roskomnadzor) has banned media outlets from using the words “assault, invasion, or declaration of war” to describe the attack on Ukraine. Disobeying could be […]

Dividing the World Economy = Economic Decline

QUESTION: Do you think Putin is losing? JK ANSWER: I really think the rhetoric is dangerous. People are ignoring that the world is dividing. This is creating a dangerous new cold war that can easily turn very hot. If Putin was losing and his position would be in jeopardy, then he would get much more […]

Market Talk – February 28, 2022

ASIA: China’s refusal to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine leaves it in a “lose-lose situation” that will hamper its ambition to expand its economic influence globally, experts say. China’s move last week to lift all import restrictions on Russian wheat, which had previously been restricted due to phytosanitary concerns, was viewed by some in the international community […]

Belarus Votes to Change Constitution & Deploy Nuclear Weapons

I do not know what to say anymore. Biden is mentally incompetent to lead the world no less the United States. He could not find a lifejacket on a sinking ship. Belarus has now voted to change its constitution and deploy nuclear weapons. China entered a new arrangement with North Korea and they shot off […]

Leaked Media Instructions Show China Is Studying the Russian Invasion

A leaked post on social media provided insight into how China’s Communist Party expects media outlets to cover Russia invading Ukraine. Horizon News, a subgroup of Beijing News, leaked the “instructions” on Weibo. “Simply put, China has to back Russia up with emotional and moral support while refraining from treading on the toes of the […]

The West’s Response to Russia Will Cause Energy Prices to Rise

On February 10, President Joe Biden stated that he would “work like the devil to bring gas prices down.” That was short-lived. By February 22, Biden announced that gas prices will continue to rise. “Defending freedom will have costs for us as well, and here at home. We need to be honest about that,” Biden […]

Russia Bans Short Selling

Russia’s central bank announced that they would no longer permit short-selling Russian stocks. Once a market turns down and confidence vanishes, the only support is short-covering. Without that, you get the 90% declines, as was the case during the Great Depression in the USA. They were hunting down shorts aggressively, and nobody would play the […]

Update on World War III Unfolding

UPDATE: While now the EU and Canada have closed their air space to Russia, and Hungary publicly states they will NOT get involved, I can report that some people I know in Kyiv have made it out to Germany. Putin does not appear to prevent civilians from leaving the country. EU states it is now […]

World War III Beginning Stages Now

I have been warning the West should not mess with Putin. It is so obvious that the West has made the same fatal mistake as that of Rome. It has weakened its economy with COVID and it is so obsessed with trying to force Russia and China to comply with their Climate Change directives set […]