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Independent Audit Exposes the Fraud in Global Warming Data

An independent audit of the key temperature dataset that is being used by climate models has exposed more than 70 problems with the data which render it “unfit for global studies.” Problems include zero degree temperatures in the Caribbean, 82 degree C temperatures in Colombia and ship-based recordings taken 100km inland. The audit has concluded that […]

Solar Minimum Correlates with Volcanoes & Earthquakes

QUESTION: I live in Indonesia. I am amazed that the entire world is not known on your door. I understand that your model puts everything together and provides a whole new perspective. Your warning that here in the Pacific Ring of Fire we should expect a trend of increasing volcanoes and earthquakes has been incredibly accurate. […]

Australia Hit With Coldest Spell in 26 Years

The winter Downunder has already been the coldest in 26 years. Temperatures plummeted on the East Coast at Marangaroo to a low of -11.1C. It is amazing that the amount of money on the table to justify global warming which is all about raising taxes for carbon emissions is placing us at a greater risk for […]

Another Volcano Erupts in Indonesia

  We now have another volcano erupting in the Pacific. The second one happened in Indonesia. Mount Agung on the Indonesian island began to erupt on Thursday forcing evacuations. More than 400 flights had to be cancelled because planes cannot fly through volcanic eruptions. I have been warning that simply correlating all the data illustrates that […]

How Do We Get Honest Government? Is It Possible?

QUESTION: You seem to be somewhere between left and right-believing in government restraint and showing that it pursues its own self-interest which leads to corruption and in the end the fall of the state. Is that a fair statement of your philosophy? KP ANSWER:  I am against the Marxist views and I am against the […]

Guatemala’s Fuego volcano Erupts here in 2018 – That’s three So Far

  Guatemala’s Fuego volcano erupted with the most violent volcanic eruption in more than a century. People have been buried alive in the ash like Pompey. The eruption so far took place on Sunday and lasted for 16 and a half hours. The eruption reached 14,763 feet of ash thrown into the air. This is one […]

Will We Have Anything Left to Leave Our Grandchildren?

QUESTION: Martin Thanks again for all you do. The subtext of most of what you talk about is overwhelmingly negative. Inflation, deflation, earthquakes, disease, government default, over taxation….. etc. Am I correct in thinking that despite your advice you anticipate most of your readers, even the most wealthy, will be left with little to hand over […]

How & Why Ice Ages Are Created

The weather is still unusually cold in the north. In Newfoundland, they woke up to a foot of snow.  In Iceland, they just had the coldest day in 100 years. It has long been understood that to create an Ice Age, the artic actually should be ice-free. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest of the […]

Hawaii Volcano – Right of Schedule?

(Download USGS Report on Hawaii) COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I think you have proven time and again that there is a cyclical nature to everything. You said in the report you did on volcanos last year that 2018 would be the beginning of serious eruptions. Well, I live here on the main island in Hawaii. This is […]

The Complexity & Fractal Nature of Nature

They have recently confirmed that not merely are the Milankovitch Cycles correct, but there is a fractal nature to everything as well as a cycle that sits on top of everything so far. They have determined that there is an approximate 405,000-year cycle in the shape of the Earth’s orbit that shifts from almost perfectly circular to […]