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The Gold Standard Fell As All Currency Pegs Do

COMMENT: Dear Marty, In your recent blog about BREXIT, and. “Remainers acting in self-interest”, you produced an ONS graph showing UK’s growth rates before and after joining the EU (previously known as the Common Market), and concluded: “Britain has NEVER received a fair deal since joining the EU”. Surely you have overlooked a groundbreaking event […]

Cities are Harassing Homeowners with Excessive Fines

I have been warning about the hunt for taxes. You must realize that the worst is unfolding at the state and municipal levels of local governments because they cannot create money as is the case at the federal levels. Therefore, they pass draconian laws and enforce insane things just to raise money. In New Jersey, […]

Asia 2019 Crisis

COMMENT: when you showed FX and stock markets of Asia in Rome, the computer did forecast quite some panic cycles for this summer – here we go ! JO REPLY: I know. That’s why I am here.

The Rising Tensions: Kashmir – Hong Kong – Korea

The War Cycle is by far on schedule. We have tensions rising almost everywhere. In Asia, we have the Kashmir Crisis as hundreds of people took the streets in Srinagar, the main Indian city, to protest New Delhi’s decision to lift the special status of the territory. In Hong Kong, there are fears that China […]

Why I Thank God I am Not 25

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, In this morning’s blog you stated that the Dems are trying to take control of the power in Chicago, which I assume is the plan for everywhere eventually. My question is; In your opinion is the fact they are being so blatant in their attack on our freedoms indicate that they are […]

Why Private Blogs

Some people have asked why do we have Private Blogs that are all different Basic, Plus, and Pro. I promised to not leave anyone behind. Therefore, since I was only a governmental and institutional adviser, I was not the run-of-the-mill newsletter guy so our readership was small keeping it around 25,000 and the audience was […]

Economic Storm Trump Will be Blamed For Because of Bad Advisers

There is a very Dark Cloud hovering over the world economy and at the center of this cloud lies not just Europe, but Germany – the strongest economy holding up all of Europe. The German manufacturing sector is in freefall. Trump will be blamed calling this the result of his Trade War. It is probably […]

Epstein His Connection to “The Club” of Manipulators

Ghislaine Maxwell was more than the alleged protector and procurer of young girls for Jeffrey Epstein as well as his girlfriend based upon allegations. However, she is also the daughter of Robert Maxwell who I believe was a member of “The Club.” Interestingly, Maxwell’s protege was also William Browder who loves to run around claiming […]

Finland & Japan Confirm Global Warming Data is not Supported

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Being 100% in agreement with you about Climate Change I thought you might be interested in 2 newly released research projects one from Finland and one from Japan: The Finnish researchers conducted by Turku University, state in one among a series of papers, see: ( “During the last hundred years, the temperature […]

1177 BC – The Collapse of Society System-Wide

QUESTION: I do not believe you have ever commented on Eric Cline’s book 1177BC, the year civilization collapsed. Do you think this is likely what we face or is this different? WL ANSWER: There were about eight civilizations that all collapsed with the exception of Egypt post-1250 BC. It was caused by a major shift […]