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Cycles in Demographics – Sex to no Sex (Free Love to No Love)

After every empire has peaked, there is a sharp decline in the birth and marriage rate. Part of this is caused by the lack of confidence in the economy. In Japan it has led to the lowest birthrate in their history with a shrinking population and tremendous problems of a lack of new workers to […]

IMF Proposed Expropriation for Europe

  The IMF proposal to just take 10% of all European deposits would certainly not take place before the EU elections on May 25th. We do show higher volatility and a crazy period in 2014 in the September/October period. That will be the beginning of the crisis period that will not end until about 2020. […]

History Repeats – Even for Popes

It is being reported that millionaires are now starting to curb their donations to the Catholic Church because of the Pope’s Marxist views that are clearly anti Capitalism and freedom. Unfortunately, those in religion never understand that there is a difference between equal right and equal wealth. What Pope Francis has said is dead wrong, […]

Doomsday Postponed? – Top 9 Theories Behind Gold Proven False

The report put out by MINING.COM on the top 9 stories that drove gold have proven to be false, is a very interesting read that people should take to heart. The real driving forces behind gold will be one of the topics at the upcoming Cycles of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis on […]

Panic of 1907

Panic of 1907 The Panic of 1907 came after the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and that exposed the entire problem of regional internal capital flows within the United States caused by the business cycle and the great variety of localized economies. Indeed, such a period of a temporary shortage burst forth during the Panic of 1907 and […]

Depression Never Ends At the Same Time For Everyone

QUESTION: Hello Martin. A few months ago you wrote: Greek Depression Will Not End until 2020 I have explained the Golden Rule of Corrections. Once you extend in anything beyond a time unit of 3, you are then in a change in trend. The Greek recession, and most of the Western World, began in 2007. […]

The Dow – To Be or Not To Be – Blowing Bubbles or Hot Air?

While the amount of bears in the stock market are truly amazing, there are simply countless economists and analysts all claiming this is the all time high and a crash is imminent. They claim the classic feature of a speculative bull market peak is identified by the margin debt on the NYSE. Tracking this indicator, […]

The Ultimate Mind Game – To Crash or just Correct

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thanks for your great work, it is a pleasure to read your articles and your explanations about gold, government debt and the stock market. Your last article has me confused, however. I have learned from your articles that a crash in the stock market can only occur when the retail investors are […]

Gold – Hedge Against Making Money?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I really appreciate your comment “– YOU ALWAYS ASSUME YOU ARE WRONG. Why? That forces you to constantly double-check everything four times.” Thank you for causing me to question my assumptions regarding the markets and specifically PM’s.  I can see know that I was holding gold for all the wrong reasons while […]

Shadow Banking

The shadow banking system has expanded dramatically thanks to regulation. The term has been applied to the collection of non-bank financial intermediaries that provide services similar to traditional commercial banks. Bernanke provided a definition in April 2012: “Shadow banking, as usually defined, comprises a diverse set of institutions and markets that, collectively, carry out traditional banking […]