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Thatcher Address at Our 1996 Conference

Lady Thatcher delivered her lecture and explained that Europe was to be an economic union, not a politician union where British Sovereignty would be handed over on a sterling silver platter. She was ultimately driven from office because of her Euro-Skeptic Views but she has proven to be correct. This political union risks sending Europe […]

The End of Everything Has Arrived

A new EU Directive provides that compulsory levies in Cyprus will be charged over the weekend. At a meeting of EU finance ministers in Dublin, Commissioner Michel Barnier confirmed that the the people are responsible for the bank they deal with. Depositors will risk their money after the Bank’s shareholders and creditors of banks. It’s amazing […]

Gold – Reality Check

I remain long-term bullish on gold which is the HEDGE against government – not inflation. This nonsense of fiat and all that bullshit sounds good. But that was all true when gold fell for 19 years as well. This is a market. The object here is to SURVIVE what is coming. The market is NEVER […]

Government Pensions Will Cost $2,500 Per Household & Climbing

The crisis we face is the collapse of society because those in government have been greedy and lined their pockets with our labor. On average, we are approaching the $3,000 mark per household that will soon be the cost of government pensions. This is a staggering number that begins to rise exponentially. This is why […]

Fitch downgrades China’s In ANTICIPATION

The Fitch downgrade of China’s credit rating is interesting because it is ANTICIPATING that China will have to bailout the state and local governments as well as banks. Under this approach, Europe should be downgraded to JUNK status.  Fitch downgraded China’s sovereign credit rating for the first time since 1999 because of concerns that the […]


The rise in Bitcoin to $147 is clearly a phase transition. Nothing moves in that manner that is sustainable. The cyber attacks are interesting. They could be major players seeking to disrupt the business to benefit short positions. Or it could be government attacks as well. The problem Bitcoin faces is the same we […]

The Euro

The Daily Bullish in the cash Euro for today’s close are 12977 and 13134. The Weekly Bullish are 13134 and 13433. This corresponds with the top of the technical channels. The monthly levels also show the first resistance at 13140 and 13370. We also have some closing resistance technically at 12996. The Euro on the momentum […]

North Korea & Russia Joining Forces?

The barbarians knew when to invade Rome because it had weakened its own economy. The real risk to Europe and the USA is the Sovereign Debt Crisis. Russia can smell the blood. Europe has slit its own throat with this Euro nonsense and the stress is becoming visible along the borders. If there was ever […]

Cyprus Proposal

Cyprus Proposal  March 27th, 2013, 5:00PM EST Cyprus Proposal   The paramount questions remain:   1)     What is the end-game solution for the Euro? 2)     How will the Euro survive after the Cyprus solution? 3)     What is to be accomplished by staying in the Euro and suffering the indignities Brussels is inflicting upon Cyprus? 4)     […]

Eurozone Deposits Not Safe – World War III Begins

The fact that the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has come out stating that savings accounts within the Eurozone are “safe” claiming  that Cyprus was a “special case” and not a template for future rescues, proves that in fact the Eurozone deposits are ABSOLUTELY NOT SAFE! You never state a negative unless there is reason to do […]