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The Emerging COVIDGate Conspiracy

Bill Gates is calling for 10 more weeks of Lockdown in his Op-ed in, of course, the Washington Post. He is becoming a very dangerous man. The jobs lost and the destruction of the world economy is unbelievable. This has been an agenda behind the curtain since January. Anthony Fauci told CNN that effectively Trump […]

Iran & War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, your forecast for Iran back in 2012 has been correct. It picked 2016 which in January the International economic sanctions on Iran were lifted after UN said it was satisfied with progress on fulfilling the nuclear agreement. President Rouhani then embarked on the first European state visit of an Iranian president for […]

UN Wants Global Power to Tax 10% for the Coronavirus

Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling this a global coup does not know me very well. I do not buy into conspiracy theories. I rely upon qualified sources – not rumor or conjecture. I have WARNED that we are facing a leftist coup of major proportions. I have warned […]

China & the Allegations of Cover-up

QUESTION: Hi Martin. I agree that the response to the coronavirus is agenda driven in the US and Europe. I lost my friend to the virus yesterday, but I still recognize that the death rate, especially in the US, is not statistically significant and destroying the economy is not warranted. I am curious though, about […]

Sweden Bucks the Hysteria – Refuses to Close its Economy

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson (his wife) have returned to the United States from Australia and have recovered from this dreaded virus.  We have received countless emails from Sweden where we have a large number of readers, clients, and many very active politically. Sweden has not followed the rest of the West and has taken […]

Is the Fed Public or Private?

The people who love to weave conspiracy theories about the Fed are twisting the fact that the Fed’s design from the outset was to be a private organization. The banks were the shareholders BECAUSE it was to be a bailout system for them as J.P. Morgan had acted during the Panic of 1907. The banks […]

Italy To Put up All Government Buildings as Collateral for Loans?

Europe is the epic center of our economic doom. Their socialistic polices have been following Marx since Word War II. They have used the Quantity Theory of Money and took interest rates negative in 2014 and have been unable to stimulate their economies because they tax the “rich” which has done nothing but impoverish the […]

Is Trump Nationalizing the Fed?

Here we go with the same old hypothesis over the Quantity Theory of Money that Trump is (1) nationalizing the Fed, (2) the Fed’s actions are worse than the virus, and (3) Forbes proclaims that the Trump & the Fed are destroying the dollar. It is really fascinating how these propositions running around are not […]

Why Flattening the Curve is Overrated

COMMENT: Hey, Martin. Thanks for your models and the key insights. My wife, who is an ER nurse, came across this article recently. She read about 90% out loud to me as she believes, based upon her medical knowledge and overall disgust with the hysteria around COVID-19, that this post gives some great perspective on […]

Press Uses Virus Against Trump

US President Donald Trump has backed away from imposing a quarantine in the New York area, instead directing a “strong Travel Advisory” be issued to limit the spread of the new coronavirus. The announcement on Twitter came late on Saturday as criticism grew over Trump’s earlier call to prohibit travel in and out of virus hotspots […]