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British Election Backfires on May – Exit Polls Show Hung Parliament

It’s looking like a hung Parliament and the polls got it wrong again in Britain. The Conservatives appear to be 12 seats short of the 326 to rule with a majority vote after a 20 point lead back in April. Theresa May is facing a serious backlash over her shocking election campaign gamble following an exit […]

Comey & the Super Bowl of Politics

James Brien Comey Jr. is expected to do his very best to try to get Trump impeached. When you testify before Congress, you first submit an outline of what you intend to say. As I have explained many times, the first thing in law is you NEVER ask a question you already do not know […]

Is Spoofing & Front Running Market Manipulation?

QUESTION: Any comments on the Deutsche Bank trader admitting to manipulating the metals markets? JK ANSWER: The way these people claim the metals are manipulated make it sound as if gold would be $10,000 but for the market manipulations. That is total and complete nonsense. The former Deutsche Bank trader David Liew has confessed to a […]

Will the Next Revolution Include the Press and Journalists as Part of the Corruption?

I was standing in line in a phone store and the two women in front of me were talking about the press and how dishonest they are. The interesting thing was one did not like Trump and was starting to like him because the press was so negative. The other had been a Trump supporter […]

Beware the Muni Bond Bubble

  Municipal Bonds are in trouble in Europe as well as the United States. The local level cannot print money, nor are they ever capable of managing their economies. The general view is when short, just raise taxes. Everything comes to an end and we are looking at the end of a Muni-Bond Bubble. The […]

The Plot to Overthrow Trump is VERY REAL!!!!!

There is a very REAL plot to overthrow Trump led by the political establishment and aided by the mainstream press.. This is not simply speculation – this is the real deal. Of course the Washington Post and New York Times are in full swing to get rid of Trump. No matter what it might be, […]

Is it Time to Hold Journalists in Contempt of Court for National Security Reasons?

On Tuesday U.S. officials, under the guise of anonymity, leaked the name of the suicide bomber responsible for the attack at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester before the British police had officially named him causing greater skepticism for allies sharing intelligence with the United States. There is something seriously wrong in the intelligence community […]

Shari’ah Standard on Gold to Replace the Dollar? Really?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have read where some people are claiming this “Shari’ah Standard on Gold” will become the new “reserve currency” and this seems really just nuts. I understand there are 2 billion Muslims in the world, but they seem to forget that this is once again wild speculation. Any thoughts? OP ANSWER: No. This […]

Is May 3rd Comey Testimony the Smoking Gun?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I respect your legal reasoning. A friend of mine is a lawyer and he said you are pretty sharp. So I pose this question. People are claiming that James Comey’s testimony on May 3, 2017 is the smoking gun that proves Trump did not ask him to stop the investigation into Russia. […]

Schiller Cyclically Adjusted PE Ratio (CAPE) – Real or Misleading?

QUESTION: Hi Martin,   Long time… perhaps you can reflect on the indicator of the Shiller CAPE ratio? Not that it is a predictive sell/buy signal in itself, but it is an indicator showing history R ANSWER: The Shiller Cyclically Adjusted PE Ratio known as CAPE,  is a particular PE ratio invented by Robert Shiller of […]