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Biden’s – Bonfire of the Rule of Law

In the latest desperate attempt to prevent Trump from running in 2024, Congress has created a new witch-hunt – the January 6th insurrection that justifies Pelosi’s Wall. Congress is deliberately subpoenaing Trump’s former aids knowing that there is a 200-year history of Executive Privilege whereby the top aids to the president must be able to […]

The Dark Lord Behind the Curtain

There is a book about to be published that exposes that Soros has had his fingers in Ukraine to protect Hillary and Biden while undermining Trump. As everyone knows, I had direct contacts in Ukraine which were providing the backdrop to events. I was advising on how to win the revolution by convincing the police […]

All Fingers Point to Hillary & McCain

  It was Hillary who paid for the Steele Dossier, but it was John McCain who handed it to Comey at the FBI. Of course, Adam Schiff did more to promote this fake document paid for by Democrats than anybody else. He was the point man. They should be removed from office and should have […]

The Rise of the Non-Politician – Resistance is not Futile

New Jersey’s state Senate President, Steve Sweeney, spent almost $500,000 on his re-election to be defeated by a Republican who spent less than $10,000 on his campaign. This is a monumental loss for Democrats, for it is showing that the same trend that elected Trump, anti-politicians, is alive and well. A truck driver for a […]

The Collapse of the USA & the Rule of Law?

When we looked at our model combining the presidency, House, and the Senate, we came up with a Panic Cycle in 2021 and 2023. The Democrats better wake up because this foreign agenda has usurped their party, and Biden is clueless as to what is even taking place. The vaccines do not save lives, for […]

China’s Golden Opportunity

COMMENT: Marty, Re: Biden’s Abuse of the Military My biggest concern right now is that if we do foolishly purge our military degrading readiness, does China’s President Xi take advantage and seize Taiwan amid the chaos in our ranks much like how the Germans took advantage of a Soviet military purge to time their invasion […]

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Loses the Trust of the American People

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell was caught in a lie that may cost him re-election in 2022. The Federal Reserve Chairman, the man with the most insight into future US market policy, sold between $1 million and $5 million from his personal account on October 1, 2020. Not so coincidentally, the Dow decreased by around […]

Demonizing Your Opponent

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Your ‘great divide’ post just reminded of a story from when Trump was running for office. I work in a hospital. I went to see a patient to give them a medication. I said, ‘I came to see if you wanted XYZ.’ The patient said, ‘Do I have a choice?’. I […]

The Rising Great Divide

COMMENT: Marty, Your last post rings so true. Which why I feel a bit hopeless about CA. Florida, with DeSantis leading is definitely heading in the right direction. My step, father-in-law is a living example of what you talk about. He is overweight, diabetic, double vaxxed, masked, drives an electric hybrid car, and a staunch Democrat […]

Powell on the “Economic Exit from the Pandemic”

At last, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has begun speaking independently as he departs from the Biden agenda. Former President Trump and Powell notoriously clashed over interest rates, and we heard time and time again that the central bank was independent of government rule. Once Biden entered the White House, Powell seemed to be more […]