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The Pope’s “Unfettered Capitalism” & His Complete Misunderstanding of the Economy

Pope Francis has attacked unfettered capitalism as “a new tyranny”, urging global leaders to fight poverty and growing inequality in the first major work he has authored alone as pontiff max. This 84-page document, which is known as an apostolic exhortation, sadly amounts to an official platform for his papacy. While he is liberal in his […]

2013 – The Year of Political Change

QUESTION: What do you see for Russia and China? Are they rising as it appears even militarily in addition to economically? ANSWER: In truth, the year 2013 was the precise turning point for the USA and the exposure of the NSA has been right on target. Furthermore, the entire debt ceiling crisis has led to […]

Breakup of Great Britain – 309 Year Cycle

  Medal of Queen Ann Celebrating the Union of England and Scotland 1707 QUESTION:  Dear Mr Armstrong, It’s great to read you blog and get an insight as to the way the world is heading and why. One thing I noticed was your 309 year cycle and wondered if that would have any reflection on […]

Capital Flows – The Key to Everything

QUESTION: HI Marty In your blog on Computer Intelligence you said “currency movement reflects the capital flows.” If the AI is attempting to predict the collapse of a currency, how does it pick this up from currency movements? Wouldnt the collapse in the currency occur first, before the computer can factor that movement in to […]

France Economic Numbers Show Decline 3rd Quarter

The Socialists just cannot get past being angry that someone else has more than they do. Unfortunately, all they think about is how to take the money of anyone who produces to hand it to those who do not.They cannot understand how the economy then declines under this policy. Someone who wins the lottery and […]

Crabs in a Bucket

COMMENT: Martin, Thank you so much for the monthly study you just posted.  This is incredible historical data that will provide tremendous insight into using your reports going forward. I appreciate all you are doing to ring the bell to awaken the sleepers. I don’t know if you or any in your family served in the […]

Saudi Arabia – Behind the Veil

It is becoming more apparent to the world that indeed it was Saudi Arabia behind the Syria event and now they are pissed-off at the US for not invading so they get their pipeline. Oil has been used as a political weapon, but as the US is emerging as energy self-sufficient, the power the Saudi’s […]

All World Stocks

  Top Major Stocks (SAMPLE) – USIGSO 11-5-2013 We are bringing on-line the full scope of all stocks traded around the world including China. Institutional Clients who have been asking for this service are about to get your wish. We will be providing the entire world at your fingertips to (1) save you a fortune in […]

Dogs Sniffing Cash at Borders

COMMENT: Dear Martin, the information in your blog concerning the hunt for cash in Europe and changes to Swiss banking  laws were reported in the mainstream press today. See NY Times article featuring cash sniffing dogs at transportation centers in Europe. Keep up the great work! John From The New York Times: European Borders Tested as […]

China – Gold – Financial Capital of the World

QUESTION:  Martin…in your previous work, I had noticed that China was due to become the world’s new hegemon by 2015.75.  Several sources that I follow, one included below, indicates China’s voracious appetite for metal, something the west seems willing to accommodate at this point.  It seems the lower the price goes, the more China is willing […]