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Proposal for a One World Government Being Floated

The former Prime Minister Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a temporary form of global government to tackle the twin medical and economic crises caused by the Coronavirus. He is no fool. He knows once there is the formation of anything pretended to be “temporary” it exists forever. Why are these people so […]

Sorting the Nonsense & Prejudices from the Truth of Reality

COMMENT #1: Mr. Armstrong; I want to say thank you so much. I am not sure you are even aware of how right you have been during this entire debacle and I am not referring to just your forecast of the decline in the stock market which saved my future. While everyone was regurgitating the […]

Is Bloomberg Behind the John Hopkins University Virus Map that Has Scared the World?

Some people have wondered who is behind the John Hopkins University map. Is there a political connection or is this just academic incompetence? I believe it clearly warrants investigation. The people behind this graphic should be hauled into the Senate under subpoena. What they have done with a misleading graphic is virtually overthrowing all human […]

Managing Money v Teaching You How to Survive

QUESTION: Marty, they have always called you the Legend. You have proved that you are probably the greatest trader that ever existed. You not only have choreographed when the correction would start, but you have held our hand through this entire decline. Again you said the market would decline into the 23 of March and […]

The Democrat’s Plot Against Americans

The coup that has been waged from the left against the right is an all-out global political war. They succeeded in bringing Germany to its knees and surrender its culture of austerity. Here in the United States, the Democrats have coordinated with these dark forces seeking not only same-day registration to allow illegal aliens to […]

What Happens to the Money Politicians Raise After they Drop Out?

QUESTION: What happens to the money politicians raise and then they drop out? Do they keep it? MH ANSWER: Actually, they use to pocket it, tax-free of course. Did you ever wonder why CEOs of Goldman Sachs take high ranking positions and then leave? Due to the conflict of interest laws, they must sell their […]

Anti-Semitism, Christianity, Confiscating Assets, Banking Conspiracies & Capitalism

QUESTION: You seem to always be against conspiracy theories except that it always comes down to government against the people. Why are most of the bankers Jewish? Do you have an explanation for that? JE ANSWER: If you simply knew your history you would realize that both the Catholics and the Arabs maintained it was […]

TAX CRS Reporting & Why The European Flight to the Dollar

QUESTION: Marty, To those of us in the eurozone who own physical gold, what would you suggest to do? Thanks for keeping your human heart. Kind regards, KVS ANSWER: I believe you may start to see this idea floated in the press next week. It will probably be voluntary at first. I do not believe […]

Sanity in the Middle of Chaos – Why Italy Has More Deaths than China

COMMENT:  Marty, I am a physician in Ohio. Long time blog reader and pro subscriber since WEC in Orlando 2019. I am amazed at the groupthink that has “infected” medicine just like it has destroyed social science, climate change discussions, politics, etc. It is very destructive. I want to share with your readers some real […]

Europe to Confiscate Gold?

QUESTION: Marty, the gold buyback quote at ….. is now spot + $20. A week ago the quote was spot + $2. Supply & demand? Shortage of 1 oz random year golden eagles? What’s going on? Thanks for your prolific post output during this crisis! Cheers, TGM ANSWER:  Europe has directed bullion dealers not to […]