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Did FOX News Try to Politically Assassinate Trump to Maintain the Status Quo?

  FOX News is really starting to show how they are attempting to influence the elections by destroying Donald Trump through claims that he is against women. I think the attack is really exaggerated; he may say some wild things, but is he really against women? I would say the evidence does not support that. Nonetheless, FOX […]

The Age of Deflation & the Fed

It appears that many people are married to the idea that the Fed creates INFLATION by expanding the money supply. Sorry, it does not work that way. Others confuse the fact that interest rate increases are bearish and declines are bullish. All you need to do is look at Japan to see that did not work […]

Brain Chip Implants

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) are developing computer chips to implant in the human brain for the purpose of data collection. President Obama began the BRAIN Initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) in 2013 to begin developing these intrusive devices. They claim the chip will be so small that people will not even notice it. Well, […]

“The Forecaster” U.S. Debut on August 1, 2015 in Cherry Hill, NJ

I want to thank everyone who came to “The Forecaster” screening at the AMC Theater in Cherry Hill, NJ. It was also a special night for my family to be able to attend. I was shocked that people flew in from Texas, Ohio, Boston, and even from the South. We are all in this together. […]

The View on Gold and Silver

QUESTION: Thanks for the latest posts.I have 3 queries if you care to consider them. Some years ago you used to say $5000 and $12000 when contemplating gold’s upside.Now the latter seems out of reach.Can you indicate what caused you to change your mind? Secondly, regarding a possible Republican Presidential victory, does this correlate with a […]

The Risk of Real Estate – Forget Derivative & Fiat

The asset class within tangible assets in the immovable category is none other than real estate. This greatly varies from one location to the next. We face two main problems with real estate because we are facing a major Sovereign Debt Crisis. First is the fact we have a problem with leverage reflected within interest rates. While many tout […]

Gold Has NOT Bottomed Yet

Gold elected a Monthly Bearish Reversal today at 1155. We have some support down at the 1042 level for now. Technical support for August lies at the 1029 level. We will be issuing the update on gold for those who purchased last year’s report by the end of the month to cover the downside. This […]

The Supply Side of Gold

A gold standard has never worked for one primary reason: the “money supply” cannot increase based upon economic conditions or politicians, rather it can increase due to new discoveries. This introduces the same flow concerned fiat money. The 19th century was plagued by the gold discoveries in California, Alaska, and Australia. Likewise, the discovery of […]

The Flight from Gold

To make a market peak in a phase transition, the 99% must be bullish. Likewise, to create the low, the 99% have to be bearish. This is simply the way markets function. Now we begin to see the bearishness rise in the precious metals because quite frankly, the gold promoters put out such total bullshit […]

The Flight From Gold – A Fall From Grace

Why have gold investors taken flight from gold as it falls from grace? The sophistry that has fueled gold is being exposed. The gold promoters spun their latest tale by raising unrealistic high hopes for China as their savior as they were buying gold and would use it to back their currency. They tout that […]