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Senile Senators led by a Senile President

Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA), who is also a physician, has suggested that the US begin implementing cognition tests for government leaders. “I’m told that there have been senators in the past who, at the end of their Senate terms were senile,” Cassidy said in an interview with Axios on HBO. “I’m told that was true […]

Stagflation is Here

QUESTION: When do we talk about stagflation? F ANSWER: We are already experiencing it. Normally, the standard definition of “stagflation” has been explained as slow economic growth with relatively high unemployment/or economic stagnation that takes place with rising prices. Some have also defined it as a period of inflation combined with a decline in the […]

Facebook Hearings Parody

The usually left-leaning Saturday Night Live mocked the recent Facebook whistleblower testimony. Although it is still left-leaning, the writers must have realized that most US lawmakers are completely out of touch with reality and the very issues they make decisions on. They display false outrage but fail to act. “What Facebook has done is disgraceful, […]

Schumer Confirms the Deep State Runs the Country

  Here is that interview people have asked about where Chuck Schumer confirms that no politician will EVER investigate the intelligence branch — NSA, CIA, FBI, or DOJ. They hold unbridled power to do as they like when they like. The probability that the CIA took out John F. Kennedy has long been suspected, and […]

The Real Deep State

  What Greenwald is talking about is so true, and nobody will ever investigate. When I was in contempt, the FBI set up the girlfriend of a manager at Resorts Casino in Atlantic City. They had his girlfriend “help” a friend who said if she did not deliver drugs they would kill her. She tried […]

NY Times Recants – Overstated Children Hospitalized with COVID by 800,000

We have a very serious crisis in the media. The left-leaning press is so outrageous that they now appear to be deliberately trying to herd people into vaccines for Big Pharma and the press may be compromised with good old fashion CASH. Fox News is reporting how the New York Times overstated the number of […]

Market Talk – October 4, 2021

ASIA: The US in cracking down on China to commit to phase one of the trade agreement made under the Trump Administration. China agreed to buy at least $200 billion in goods from the US between 2020 ad 2021. As of August, China had only reached 62% of their agreement. US Trade Representative Katherine Tai […]

Norway Abandons all Restrictions & US Turns Authoritarian

QUESTION: Hi Martin, You’ve taught the current “loss of confidence in government” cycle doesn’t peak until 2032. Are you surprised how much confidence has been lost and how authoritative government has become this early in the cycle? Hell, it’s only 2021 and it’s already a shit show. Thanks, Jack T ANSWER: No. Everything is on […]

San Francisco to Pay People Not to Shoot Others

Believe it or not, San Francisco reveals how capitalism might be able to solve the crime surge. The Dream Keeper Fellowship is launching in October, and it will pay individuals $300 each month to not be involved in shootings. Meanwhile, they haven’t put 2 and 2 together. Rising crime is due to their destruction of […]

The Deep State Won – Now Deal With It!

I have stated very clearly that up until 1999, I was part of a vetting process where I would meet people who wanted to run for president. They were told I was there to explain how the world economy functioned, but I was told to assess if I believed they were mentally capable of comprehending […]