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Is there a Way Out?

QUESTION: Martin, I live in Canada.  Our PM had our former finance minister take the fall for their blatant corruption, is blocking and tackling every move to bring it to light and is turning our parliamentary government against the people, working to crush the economy, impose lockdowns, raid our government-mandated employment insurance funds to provide universal […]

Market Talk – November 12, 2020

ASIA: China’s two biggest vaccine companies have already begun inoculating hundreds of thousands of mostly state workers in a bid to get a head start. But deploying unproven vaccines carries huge risks – both for those receiving the vaccination and epidemic control efforts. The major worry is that vaccinations will give people who’ve had them […]


  QUESTION #1:  Hello Mr Armstrong Here in Germany, many more doctors are rising up against this COVID  pandemic. They have written to Merkel, but she does not listen. I am starting to think you are right. She has been bribed. HC REPLY #1: This just makes no sense. She has put even the German […]

Market Talk – November 11, 2020

ASIA: China has proposed new regulations aimed at curbing the power of its biggest internet companies. The new rules could affect homegrown tech giants like Alibaba, Ant Group, and Tencent, as well as food delivery platform Meituan. Chinese tech shares were sharply lower after the proposed regulations were released on Tuesday. The ongoing India-China border […]

The US is Being Invaded Right Now & the Media is Cheering

  We even have the British Press trying to overthrow Trump. The Economist has the audacity to pronounce Biden the winner claiming, “When every vote counts,” but fail to add the words “When every legal vote counts.” Everyone knows that the civic duty of the dead is to continue to vote even for parties they […]

Market Talk – November 10, 2020

ASIA: China’s ruling Communist Party is stepping up efforts to rein in some of China’s most powerful companies, jolting investors and dealing a blow to the country’s richest entrepreneurs. China, on Tuesday, unveiled regulations to root out monopolistic practices in the internet industry, seeking to curtail the growing influence of corporations like Alibaba Group Holding […]

The Future & Chaos

COMMENT #1: Marty, Does this all mean that this takeover can make the canceling of physical USD possible, maybe as soon as January to line up with Europe? Previously you responded to my email question on a digital dollar and said that they couldn’t do that since over 70% of cash was held overseas. Can this […]

Market Talk – November 9, 2020

ASIA: The Chinese government on Monday sidestepped questions on when it would congratulate United States President-elect Joe Biden on his election victory, with a Foreign Ministry spokesman saying that China would act in “accordance with international practice.” More than 24 hours after US media declared Biden victorious, China remains one of the few major countries […]

American Are Ignorant of What the Real Plan Is

COMMENT: You are correct. Americans are ignorant of what is taking place in Europe. The new law states everything except work was forbidden: “walking, having fun, singing, dancing, meeting, everything was forbidden … ” This is about reducing society to mere existence. GF REPLY: People have no idea what this agenda is all about. I […]

Market Talk – November 6, 2020

ASIA: Chinese short-video and live-streaming app Kuaishou filed for an initial public offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, CNBC reported. The offering is reportedly expected to raise $5 billion. Morgan Stanley, Bank of America Securities, and China Renaissance are the underwriters, according to the filing. Video game streaming aside, analysts say the video apps […]