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Governor Jerry Brown of California Advocates the Overthrow of USA

Governor Jerry Brown of California is committing treason Against the United States. He is leading a confederacy against the Federal Government and should stand trial, but of course that would be controversial. After Trump rejected the Paris Climate treaty, which had never been ratified by the Senate, the European Union announced that it would work […]

Ernst & Young no longer Requires Degrees – No Evidence a Degree = Success

  I have warned that 2015.75 was the peak in government and the two many industries that government subsidizes has created the decay within our American society reducing disposable income – healthcare and education. Degrees I have warned are really worthless. About 60% of graduates cannot find employment in the degree they have paid for. […]

A Light Has Gone Off

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you for you have been correct on every market demonstrating that everything is explicitly connected. What you have taught me is more than just trading a single market to make money. You have taught me how to see the world and connect the dots. I can see the […]

Global Warming Crowd Said All Ice Would be Gone by September 2016. Oops!

The global warming crowd said we had to urgently act for all sea ice would be gone by September 2016. As the Telegraph recalls, they were wrong. Meanwhile, the Justice Department is deeply involved in the cover-up. The Attorney General even publicly admitted that she is looking into prosecuting people who dare to say the […]

The End of Global Warming — the New Ice Age — Bundle Up!

I have received emails from people who claim global warming exists and I am in denial. To start, all of the studies that claim there is global warming end with the 19th century. The sun has a documented 300-year cycle between maximum and minimum energy output. It is a thermodynamic system, meaning the energy must fluctuate or […]


QUESTION: Marty, I have not seen you write about the Vikings. Did you take their rise and fall into consideration in your model? YC ANSWER: Of course. The monetary history of the Vikings is tied to England as well as global warming. The rise of the Vikings was due to global warming from a natural cyclical […]

The Dow for Today’s Close — April 1, 2016

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I have been reading your work for several years. since you were in prison…I was able to download it from the internet and saved it all. I bought your Gold and Banking Analyses and read your daily pieces religiously. I was not able to attend the WEC as it appears you favor conferences in […]

Market Talk March 22nd, 2016

Shortly after the European open news broke of the Belgium terror attacks and we saw the usual flight to quality. Treasuries rallied, as did Gold and the US Dollar while stocks fell and in particular airlines and travel companies. At one stage we saw the DAX down over -1.5% with CAC, IBEX and FTSE not […]

Market Talk March 21, 2016

With Japan on national holidays it was left to Shanghai and Hang Seng to show the rest of the world the way forward. With the help of the PBOC, adding ample liquidity and fixing the Yuan rate at  6.4824 (compared to 6.4628 on Friday) stocks saw a healthy 2%+ gain for the day. HSI closed marginally firmer. In […]

1816 & Global Cooling from Volcanoes

COMMENT: Marty, the NASA study is absolutely correct. I work in a different area of geological observations. When a volcano erupts, the ash creates global cooling reflecting the sunlight. You are correct that this global warming is a tax agenda. Thanks for spreading the word Anonymous REPLY: Yes. Go to the beach on a partly […]