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Singapore Economy Turns Down & China Exports Decline

They are calling it an unexpected contraction in Singapore’s economy which is in line with our Economic Confidence Model which bottoms in January 2020. In addition, China’s exports have also declined by 1.3% during June. Gross domestic product in export-reliant Singapore declined by a shocking 3.4% in the second quarter from the previous three months. […]

It’s the Volatility – not the Temperature!

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, in relating your comments on weather and how the winters will spike to record cold and then the summers will spike to record highs, is this the same as a panic cycle in markets? HC ANSWER: Yes. Our computer looks at the weather the same as it does with the price in […]

The Sum of All our Economic Fears

A lot of people have written in about my comments concerning how the world is completely in a state of global chaos which is why this year I will be providing a continued video update for the 2019 WEC attendees. Those looking at the arrays of many markets are also starting to notice how global […]

Agricultural Loans Declining Right on Target

One of the most fascinating observations I have made over my career has been that the banks always lend at the top and contract lending at the bottom in every market. Going into 1980, banks were calling me to ask if I wanted to borrow money. Recently, I got a phone call from my bank […]

WEC 2019 Orlando – Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door or the Big Fake Out?

We'd like to thank everyone who was able to join us at the World Economic Conference!

If you were not able to join, a video of the event will be available shortly.

The Great Alignment & 2020

QUESTION: Hi Marty, are the current political events in Hong Kong linked to the turning point for Hong Kong especially with regards to the currency peg? Thanks for all your work NC ANSWER: This turning point in the ECM on January 2020 appears to be the turn in public confidence on a global scale. Much […]

False Flags – Not the Fringe Conspiracy but Reality

QUESTION: Are false flags by governments part of the end of this cycle or a modern practice? And why is it called a false flag? DK ANSWER: No – they are very real. Politicians have made false allegations to start wars and prosecute people politically since there have been politicians. The term “false flag” was […]

BOJ Trapped – How will the Nightmare End?

Bank of Japan (BOJ) Governor Haruhiko Kuroda publicly stated that it may maintain ultra-low rates for a further period of well over a year. However, he also warned against the idea of propping up the economy through unlimited money printing to finance government spending. That may sound nice, but the Bank of Japan is trapped. […]

The Forecast of 1997 Calling for the Inverse Relationship between Bonds & Shares Remains on Target

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I attended your WEC in London back in 1997 when the Euro Commission took the entire back row. I remember your forecast that we would begin a period of a dramatic shift in the bond-equity correlation I believe you said would last for at least 23 years. That is nearly due. You […]

The Next 8.6-Year Wave will be Inflationary

All the real science is warning that there is a reasonable chance that we are headed into a much colder period ahead. This will have an impact on food prices and our computer models have been warning that the next wave of the Economic Confidence Model should be an inflationary wave. Even a new study […]