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Market Talk – January 9, 2024

  ASIA:   China’s central bank is signaling a commitment to maintaining loose monetary policy by reducing the required reserves for banks. Zou Lan, head of the People’s Bank of China’s monetary policy department, stated in an interview that the central bank will use various tools, including adjusting reserve requirements, to provide strong support for […]

Market Talk – January 8, 2024

ASIA:   Japan emphasized the importance of promptly finalizing the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Sri Lanka and creditor nations for debt restructuring. This comes after an agreement in principle was reached last year. Japan, along with France and India, co-chairs the committee overseeing creditor nations. Sri Lanka, facing its worst financial […]

Big Oil v. California

Chevron can no longer remain profitable in California, where politicians fail to understand the impact of reducing fossil fuels without a reliable alternative. The company has already pulled back hundreds of millions in spending in California over the past two years. Chevron’s Q4 filings proclaimed it needed non-cash write-downs and is expected to report non-cash […]

The Year from Political Hell

QUESTION: Can you elaborate on 2024 being the year from hell with elections everywhere? We all know about Trump and Putin. Is the rest of the world going nuts as well? Jeff ANSWER: Oh, I would say that is a fair statement about the entire world. Pakistan is perhaps the role model for Biden. The […]

WHO & Its Tyranny to Dominate the World

  Let me Clarify this WHO agenda. They were supposed to get the amendments finished by January 27th, 2024, for the May conference, which is supposed to be on the 27th of that month. They admit that they will not meet the January deadline, and in the process, they will most likely pass this in […]

May 2024 & the WHO

Historically, the mindset from the very beginning of the United Nations has been this theory that a one-world government will end all wars. This has even been expressed directly by Julian Huxley, one of the founders. In fact, I had deep conversations with Maggie Thatcher about this and how the EU was proceeding with the […]

The Epstein Interview

  In this interview, you will hear the efforts of Jeffrey Epstein’s brother to get answers. During this interview, he was told that the doors were open. This is the hole. They throw you in there to cut off your communicates. When they went after my lawyers, suddenly, I was thrown into what the inmates […]

It’s Time for a Decision on Ukraine

I have spent way too much time the past few days on phone conversations concerning the geopolitical Ukrainian mess from different sides and what our computer is showing. There is a growing concern in Washington that this war in Ukraine has run its course. This seems to have risen since Biden threatened if he did […]

Market Talk – January 5, 2024

ASIA: China’s central bank is likely to expand the pledged supplementary lending (PSL) tool further to support the struggling property sector. This follows a recent injection of 350 billion yuan ($49.1 billion) through PSL, aimed at catalyzing investments in real estate, boosting credit expansion, and driving first-quarter economic growth. The People’s Bank of China extended […]

Rigging the 2020 Election & Beyond

COMMENT #1: “We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” “I don’t need you to get me elected.” Martin, please comment on how we overcome the blatant fraud this election cycle in November. Sincerely, Michael COMMENT #2: Martin, Regarding your recent blog posts on the […]