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Dorsey Moves into Banking as Promised to Overthrow Trump

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I thought you were wrong on Bitcoin and that it was a store of value. I can see now that it is only a trading vehicle as you have said. But what made me write to you is I just read that Dorsey is opening up an online bank. You got that […]

Greta’s Nightmare

One crisp winter morning in Sweden, a cute little girl named Greta woke up to a perfect world, one where there were no petroleum products ruining the earth. She tossed aside her cotton sheet and wool blanket and stepped out onto a dirt floor covered with willow bark that had been pulverized with rocks. “What’s […]

Market Talk – March 2, 2021

ASIA: Bank of America economist said China stands a good chance of doubling the size of its economy by 2035 — and surpassing the U.S. as the world’s largest economy along the way. Helen Qiao, head of Asia economics at BofA Global Research, said some reform measures would help China get there. Doubling of China’s […]

Market Talk – March 1, 2021

ASIA: China’s manufacturing sector grew at a markedly slower pace in February than the month before, surveys released over the weekend suggested, even as similar indicators in the US are signaling rapid growth. Chinese purchasing managers indexes have been trending lower since December when officials mandated new lockdowns in some northern cities to contain a […]

Market Talk – February 25, 2021

ASIA: US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack believes China is making good on promises it made as part of the landmark phase one trade deal it signed with the US last year. Vilsack said that the deal allows for market conditions to dictate how much Beijing is required to purchase from US farmers. The COVID pandemic, […]

Market Talk – February 24, 2021

ASIA: New home prices in China grew at a faster pace in January, driven by red-hot demand in the country’s mega cities despite the government’s cooling measures. Average new home prices in 70 major cities increased 0.3% in January from a month earlier, versus a 0.1% gain in December, according to Reuters calculations based on […]

Market Talk – February 23, 2021

ASIA: The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 closed Shanghai decreased 6.09 points or -0.17% to 3,636.36 Hang Seng increased 312.81 points or 1.03% to 30,632.64 ASX 200 increased 58.30 points or 0.86% to 6,839.20 Kospi decreased 9.66 points or -0.31% to 3,070.09 SENSEX increased 7.09 points or 0.01% to […]

Market Talk – February 22, 2021

ASIA: Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi said on Monday the United States and China could work together on issues like climate change and the coronavirus pandemic if they repaired their damaged bilateral relationship. Wang said China is willing to reopen constructive dialogue with Washington after relations between the two countries sank to their lowest in […]

Market Talk – February 19, 2021

ASIA: China may ban the export of rare-earth refining technology to countries or companies it deems as a threat to state security, according to a person familiar with the matter. While China has no plans to restrict shipments of rare earths to the US, it is keeping the plan in its back pocket should a […]

XRP & the Rise of Barter

QUESTION: Martin, I wonder if you can comment on the potential of the swift system being replaced by Ripple lab’s XRP as a bridging currency between currency pairs making use of their patented “On-Demand Liquidity” system. If this is the case then it would appear the USD is set to be replaced as the world reserve currency […]