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I was told – Read your Own Book!

I had a very interesting conversation about what appears to be a grab for power with someone high up. I was told: Read tour own book! I concluded in the Manipulating the World Economy that the central banks lost all power and the solution would require political action and reform. The very issues I made […]

Something Strange about Coronavirus Scare

Those of you who keep pushing this disease into a panic, claiming the numbers are fake and it is much worse, are being used as pawns for the ID2020. The real concern is that there are other coronaviruses which typically amount to 14% of flu-like diseases each year. This has contributed to false-positive claims of […]

Why the Quantity Theory of Money is Destroying Capital Formation

There is no question that the fundamentalists #1 Golden Rule has been when stocks crash, run to bonds. We are entering the collapse in public confidence and this is BEYOND the central banks despite the massive attempts to intervene. Keynesianism is DEAD!!!! We have entered uncharted territory which is the darkest fears of academics for […]

Answering Questions

QUESTION #1: Martin, I cannot believe the stuff you do. Truly amazing. I’ve got two questions, should you have any time: 1] if Coronagate is real, do you have any idea who is pulling the strings and why? 2] have you ever wondered why pi features so heavily in your cycles? I don’t know how […]

NYSE to Close Trading Floors & Move Only to Online Trading

The New York Stock Exchange will close its trading floors and go fully electronic. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo mandated that non-essential businesses have no more than half their workforce in the office. Without floor brokers, there is a risk that volatility will rise further. This may result in market-makers withdrawing.

Grab for Dictatorial Powers Using Coronavirus

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong, About your post “Fake News & Coronavirus Panic”, i wanna share my experience here in Italy, Venice. In the last weeks i’ve been contacted by my abroad friends reading our apocalyptic news, wondering if i was already became a zombie. My answer was always the same: “i’m fine also my family, friends […]

Fake News & Coronavirus Panic – The Press Must Be Held Accountable!

The Coronavirus Panic has been caused by FAKE NEWS and the press MUST be held accountable. The press is acting irresponsibly and has turned this virus into a major scare. They criticize any politician who dares to disagree as reflected in the Washington Post’s headline: “As much of America takes drastic action, some Republicans remain […]

Europe Banning Short Selling – Insanity Continues

Europe has moved as expected and banned short selling in Italy, Belgium, Spain, and France. Politicians fail to realize that it is ONLY shorts who are buying during a panic. Without the short-players, there is NO BID which makes markets far less liquid. Whatever politicians can do seriously wrong, they are doing in spade! I […]

Millennials Collect Sneakers not Gold?

QUESTION: Gold & the younger generation Regarding the article ‘Gold & the Future ‘ ‘…Will they then look to gold and history? ‘ I think the following article about the younger generation putting their savings into, less durable, sneakers, is interesting: DH ANSWER: Yes, when I ask certain people in their 20s about investment, I […]

Marx v Aristotle

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said that Marx was influenced by Aristotle. I have never heard that before. Would you care to explain? HF ANSWER: Aristotle recognized that the economy evolves, and to some degree, this also takes place with the generational shift in thinking. Aristotle’s writings actually influenced Karl Marx, for he was complaining […]