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Market Talk – August 16, 2021

ASIA: China’s economic recovery slowed in July, according to new data by the National Bureau of Statistics. Retail sales grew 8.5% last month, beneath analysts’ expectations of 10.9%, and below June’s reading of 12.1%. Industrial production slowed to 6.4% YoY after experiencing an 8.3% boost the month prior. Unemployment increased from 5% to 5.1%, with […]


I continue to believe that this virus was manufactured and deliberately released neither by China nor the US Military and at the same time, we have the Grand Wizzard Bill now calling to end all beef consumption, and simultaneously, there is a rising call to reduce the population. Killing millions in the name of saving […]

CDC Approves Internment Camps

The vast amount of people will line up to surrender all their constitutional and human rights and those of the family for decades to come simply on the world of those in power. The FIRST thing people must realize is that the top “public servants” view that title the same way insurance companies call DEATH […]

Lindell’s Invesitgation   While Lindell has focused on China. he totally ignored the implications of the World Economic Forum and Gates. China may have indeed wanted Biden in as President – no doubt. But all my sources point to COVID coming from a private source that is moving to create a one-world government using the United […]

The Real Agenda – Part III

  COMMENT: Hello Mr Armstrong, In regards to your comments on “The-Real-Agenda-Reply”, I’d like to make a remark to where you said that Russia and China will defend their people; I wish that your statement were true but unfortunately, looking at their vaccine policies, either country seems to have the least interest taking up defence […]

CDC Proves it Cannot be Trusted.

The CDC has clearly and deliberately manipulated the COVID number in Florida obviously for political reasons. They combined several days of numbers to make headlines that Flordia has more COVID cases in a single day than anyone else. Secondly, I went to take a look and I have not seen hospitals overwhelmed. A friend went […]

Are We Facing a Biological War?

  This is the Chinese response to the finger-pointing at China being responsible for the leak of COVID-19. What it brings up can be verified in some aspects. It is just their reply which is political from their perspective. Nonetheless, I continue to believe that all the sources I had were too coincidental that this […]

The Real Agenda – Reply

  COMMENT: Hello Dear Mr Armstrong, In your recent article “what-is-the-real-agenda-with-vaccines-climate-change” You talk about power to be given to the UN for reasons that are cooked up with bad science. I agree, but I also see that this will never fully happen : China and Russia will not transfer power to the UN no matter what. […]

What is the REAL Agenda with Vaccines & Climate Change

This has all been a coordinated effort for the REAL AGENDA which is not vaccines or even saving the planet from global warming. The true agenda is in front of everyone’s eyes, but mainstream media refuses to allow the dots to be connected and anyone who dares to simply open their eyes is immediately called […]

Using Global Capital Flow Heat Map

QUESTION: My question is how do I interpret an increase of 5% or more in the capital flows heat map to any country? Does this mean the stock market is projected to go up? the currency? how I am supposed to interpret it?  How I am supposed to interpret it. Can you give me please some examples? […]