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NASA Says Fossil Fuels Cause Global Cooling — not Warming

A new study out by NASA has people dumbfounded for it shows that burning fossil fuels and cutting down trees actually causes global COOLING — not WARMING. Burning fossil fuels give off aerosols which reflect sunlight and thus lower temperatures. This study is being widely reported in many areas, except Washington.

Indonesia’s Peat Fires Exceed Emissions from the Entire U.S. Economy

Greenhouse gas emissions that are coming out of the peat fires in Borneo and Sumatra have now exceeded all the emissions from the entire U.S. economy. This is the latest report from the University of Amsterdam. The greenhouse issue is not as simple as cars. They also say that those arising from livestock are 14% and […]

North Atlantic Record Setting Cold Blob Emerges

The fascinating aspect of the environment is this unprecedented bias that somehow humankind has altered the climate. Why these scientists do not try to see if such a trend is natural and extends back before 1900 is just mind numbing. A record setting area of cold water was found in the North Atlantic, which has […]

Thomas Jefferson to James Madison September 6, 1789 letter

Thomas Jefferson to James Madison 6 Sept. 1789 Papers 15:392–97 I sit down to write to you without knowing by what occasion I shall send my letter. I do it because a subject comes into my head which I would wish to develope a little more than is practicable in the hurry of the moment of […]

A Question of Money — Interest & Bankers

QUESTION:  Mr Armstrong, interesting article today, the story of the store of value (at least long term) has always confused me. One can look at saving accounts also as an asset as it yields the interest payment and one relinquishes the access to the money. No difference to bonds. But your article causes some questions: […]

We Are in the 21st Year of Declining Temperatures

It is amazing how government is trying to claim the existence of global warming, simply to introduce a carbon tax. We are entering the 21 year of declining temperatures; not rising temperatures. This is akin to the tax on cigarettes; people smoked less and governments cried that they were losing revenue, causing many places to tax electronic […]

Just When You Thought Oil Would Recover…

In Dresden, Germany, Audi has for the first time managed to produce carbon-neutral fuel. They have produced a small quantity of 160 liters of synthetic diesel fuel that produces a “clean diesel quattro”. They announced, “If we succeed, CO2 broad use as a raw material, we make a significant contribution to climate protection and resource efficiency and pave […]

Democrat Claims Global Warming Will Turn Women into Prostitutes

You really could not make this up for nobody would believe such an argument. But California Democrat Barbara Lee this week introduced  a resolution in the House of Representatives which amazingly claims women will eventually be forced into prostitution in order to obtain life-sustaining food and water for their families because of Global Warming. So […]

Bull Markets are Defined By Currency Flows

  Gold appears very weak in terms of dollars and so many people now are writing off the goldbugs are just irrelevant as if they were the people who refused to adopt the Gregorian Calendar which made January 1st day one rather than April 1st for the start of every year. Their prejudice against the […]

Double Standard about Manipulations – Environment v Wall Street

The evidence is growing how scientists have been “averaging” and seasonally adjusting seasons to desperately show that man is creating global warming. They deny flatly that there is a long-term cyclical model. The whole theory of ice ages began after ancient animals were discovered in Russia frozen intact with food still in their mouths. These […]