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World War III – 2024-2027?

QUESTION: Besides the Bible, there are many clairvoyants who predict that there will be World War III. Your models predict the rise in war tensions. What is your “opinion” about the prospects for a third world war? JC ANSWER: There is no doubt that we are in the process of a rising war cycle. It […]

Climate Change & Solar Minimum

COMMENT: Hello Martin, You’ve covered the topic of increasing seismic activity and the correlation with climate change extensively in your daily blog. Since the solar activity started to decline (cycle 24) around +/- 2014-2015, it seems that the rate of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are increasing worldwide. Below I have added some links as reference […]

The Rise in Agriculture for the Next ECM

The Fall Army Worm (FAW; Spodoptera frugiperda) is a crop-eating pest that was first detected in China back in January 2019. It has now spread across China’s southern border and currently impacts about 8,500 hectares (127,000 mu) of grain production in Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hunan, and Hainan provinces. Officially, Chinese authorities have employed an […]

Iran v USA – Oil Tanker Attacks

There are many people claiming this is Tonkin Gulf 2.0 claiming it is a false flag of the USA attacking the oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman and using it as an excuse for war with Iran. While the theory may seem to have lived in the conspiracy world, there is so much tension […]

What Happens When the Financial Capital of the World Moves?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Knowing that the financial capital will likely move to China after 2032, since that would be the peak of the public wave, where will someone in the US put their capital? Usually, the move from public to private would result in a move into sovereign debt and cash, but will the move […]

Greenland Glacier is Growing, Not Melting

Greenland glacier reverses stunned scientists, according to the Weather Channel. This is illustrating that everything is subject to a cycle. Many argue it is only temporary. But the winters have been getting colder for the past three years. As I have stated previously, this could be just a reaction of up to three years. If […]

Could the Great Depression Have Been Prevented?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I appreciate all you share. I watched a series on the Great Depression and they talk about how socialism saved capitalism. If true, is this part of a healthy cycle between the two? Could anything have been done to prevent the Great Depression? Thank you! LB   ANSWER: It was not socialism […]

The International Unit of Account

QUESTION: I only recently learned of your material and am still digesting it. I appreciate that you encourage critical thinking. I hope you find my questions of the same spirit. In your recent article “Are Two-Tier Monetary Systems a Possible Tool?”, you illustrated how South Africa’s experience could provide an example for nations wanting to […]

Market Talk – June 3, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: There has been hardly any progress regarding the U.S.-Chinese trade deal. On Sunday, Chinese officials and trade negotiators warned the U.S. of using pressure to force a trade deal on China. “If the U.S. side wants to use extreme pressure, to escalate the trade friction, to force China to submit and make […]

Global Warming – Just Follow the Money

I just returned from New York City, the armpit of the world since I never saw an apple tree there yet, and I had a very interesting meeting behind the curtain. I thought I would share this subject which they agreed I could go public on without names of course. Besides the fact that there […]