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The EU is Determined to Ensure BREXIT Will Not Succeed

Another case of fraudulent voting to save the EU has occurred in the Austrian election. The Austrian Constitutional Court has revealed outrageous “errors” to the point that votes were simply regarded as non-binding recommendations. The investigations continue, but this reflects the desperate attempt to save Brussels at the expense of all of Europe. Allowing the people to vote […]

Central Banks Made Govt Debt the Riskiest Debt of All Time

The central banks have risked it all and lost. They have reached the point of no return. The Fed decided not to raise rates, which are desperately needed to prevent a collapse in pensions and insurance companies, and merely froze like a deer in headlights. The superficial analysts who think lower rates are good for […]

Sometimes You Just Have to Go With the Flow When Nothing Flows

The central banks are clueless and have no control over the economy. This whole thing reminds me of Australia. I loved going into the Outback, driving through rivers, and seeing ant hills that were taller than the Jeep. I was invited to go to the Todd River Regatta in the middle of the desert. I […]

G20 Blames Your Psychological Problems for their Failure

The G20 central bank and finance ministers met in Shanghai in April and cheered the rally in the markets after patting themselves on the back. They then issued their communication, effectively blaming the private sector for not paying enough taxes for them to squander. They issued their Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF), which is really […]

Confused? When Will This End?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, First of all, thank you for your daily blogs. First thing I read every morning. I can’t wait to attend Novembers Orlando conference. My question is about the inverse relationship of Gold(precious metals) and the Dollar. Looking at historical charts it would suggest that we may continue to see a price decrease in […]

Gold Perspectives

QUESTION: Did gold bottom on your first benchmark? When you say adjusted for inflation, gold should make a new high by 2023, do you mean we have to wait that long? ANSWER: We cannot ignore the fact that gold bottomed in dollars on the precise day of the target on the benchmark. However, you cannot […]

Paradox of the Bell Curve

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; On the one hand you show the debasement of the Roman currency, but then you say there was also massive hoarding and deflation. Can you explain how do you get deflation with debasement? Thank you for the the mind food PH ANSWER: It may seem to be a paradox, but everything unfolds […]

ECM 2015.75: The Rock vs. Hard Place

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, with your 2015.75 turning point on the ECM, you said that was the peak in government and the following 4.3 years would turn down rather hard. You also said 2016 would be a strong rise in 3rd party activity and people are now talking even about Bernie running 3rd party. You said […]

Market Update for Gold

Gold has been backing off with the prospect of rising interest rates, but a weekly closing below 1225 will signal that the high is possibly in place. However, a weekly closing below 1205 will signal that a serious decline is likely. Technically, we can see critical points at 12434.47 and 1202.13, and a closing below […]

The Dow & the Confusion

The Dow does not need to break last year’s low, as that was accomplished in the NASDAQ and S&P 500. Nothing has changed there. The entire interest rate issue has far too many people brainwashed. No doubt, they would initially sell. However, the market will rise with higher interest rates as it has always done. […]