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Education A Complete Failure?

Education in the United States and elsewhere has been designed by academics with no real practical work experience. I was in Australia, and Macquarie Bank had funded an education program at Macquarie University. I was given a tour since they were so proud. They took over a hotel and set up rooms to be dealing desks […]

Syria – Benghazi Connection

What is taking place in Syria is far more complicated than most people suspect. As with everything, there is the story, and then there is the truth lurking behind the story. The region has been flooded with weapons supplied to rebels initially in Libya that have flowed to Syria, Mali, and even back to the […]

Seizure of 401Ks

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, In your latest post you stated “they will seize all pension funds and 401Ks to absorb the debt.” Should those with 401k’s be looking to pay the fees and cash out? Thank you, ANSWER: The behind-the-scene discussions on this issue are real. However, it does not appear that this seizure will emerge until 2016 […]

The Coming Forced Loans

In Germany the people are starting to notice that government pensions are growing far more rapidly than those in the private sector. We have to realize that about 50% of all taxes in Detroit went to pensions. This same economic model destroyed Rome. This is what we face, yet we cannot prevent the crash and […]

Saudis offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops Syria

The decision to go into Syria has been in the works. Europe and the USA need a war to divert everyone from the economic crisis that is looming. According to the British newspaper the Telegraph, Saudi Arabia’s Bandar threatened Putin with Olympic terror if he backed Syria. These people are really messing with the wrong guy. […]

No Indication of Postponement Yet

  Brazil Demonstrations There is a possibility of a postponement for the Phase Transition (doubling in value) in the US share market into 2025. A postponement could be caused by war. Otherwise, that issue aside, everything is still lined up in that direction. We have the capital flows pouring out of India, Brazil, and it […]

Is there War in the Air?

Inside sources are confirming the rebels staged the attack in Syria 2 days after the UN team got there and it was within 10 minutes of where they were. This is becoming a religious war and the overthrow of Syria is likely to create another Iran, not a land of democracy where everyone lives happily […]

Gold $5,000+ – Why

QUESTION: You have been really hard on the “gold promoters”, yet you are long-term bullish on gold. Why would gold rise if not for all the reasons put forth by the gold promoters? ANSWER: I was a gold market-maker. Personally, I prefer gold. I prefer to handle it. But whatever my personal feeling about gold, that […]

Aluminum Manipulation Leads to Lawsuits Against Goldman etc – The Days of Proprietary Trading Are

There are many lawsuits being filed against the New York Bankers for manipulating the commodities. Suits have been filed in Florida, Chicago, and New York. It is no secret that I have stood up to these people an opposed their manipulations. But this has been the name of the name in the commodity field for […]

Summers or Yellen

Obama’s replacement for Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the US Federal Reserve has been narrowed down to a two-horse race, between Larry Summers and Janet Yellen. Summers was Obama’s chief economic adviser in the aftermath of the sub-prime crisis and Treasury Secretary under President Clinton from 1999-2001. Janet Yellen is a former President of the Federal Reserve […]