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What Happens when the People are Confronted by a Government Financial System that Crumbles before their eyes?

Congress has been out to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The national debt keeps growing reaching around $23 trillion, yet Congress as an institution points fingers across the aisle toward the other party to always find a scapegoat. Both parties share the blame and neither party is ever interested in even discussing the problem no less […]

Why do I Meet With Heads of State

COMMENT: Martin – I’m glad you had the opportunity to attend the gathering at Mar E Lago and I hope you had a chance to introduce yourself and your economic track record to president Trump. He is an ego-driven person who loves smearing dirt in the faces of his opponents unnecessarily, but he is business-oriented […]

Chaos, Viruses & Cash is Not Trash but King

QUESTION: Marty; first I want to thank you for Socrates. It called the crash in stocks, gold, currencies, and Bitcoin when everyone else was foaming at the mouth. The rumor was that $16 billion in gold was dumped. Was this just trying to crush the goldbugs, or was this more what you said at the […]

The Fed & Helicopter Money

QUESTION: You said that the Fed does not print money out of thin air on its own. The goldbugs say you are wrong. I suspect that they are wrong not you. You seem to have a much deeper understanding of money than anyone else. Would you clarify this issue? Thank you very much PHK ANSWER: When […]

Tom Hanks & Wife Test Positive & Trump Closes Travel with EU

The actor Tom Hanks said on Wednesday that he and his wife, Rita Wilson, have the coronavirus. They said they will remain in their apartment. Meanwhile, President Trump has suspended all travel from the EU to the United States, with the exception of the UK. He did the same with China and the Democrats first […]

The Cyclical Nature of Disease

QUESTION: Do you think there is any validity that this was a leak from their biolab in China? HDF COMMENT: I saw the claims that they spliced AIDS into the Coronavirus claiming this was somehow proof of a lab experiment. You correctly stated that was false. But these conspirators do not know anything about these […]

Governments Cheering Coronavirus to Push Agendas

COMMENT: Marty; You really do understand government. No sooner you posted how they will never let a crisis go to waste and the Democrats are using the coronavirus to advance their liberal agenda. They are using the virus to justify sanctuaries for illegal immigrants. Then they are using it to create a version of Medicare […]

Jawboning the Fed on Cutting Rates

COMMENT: Hello Martin, I see President Trump is still calling for interest rate cuts from the Fed. I know he is a businessman and with the current situation is he making the right call with all his business knowledge? ( not sure the reason for the name-calling?) Trump presses ‘pathetic’ Fed to cut rates more […]

The Repo & Fed Crisis

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I have been reading your blog with interest for six years now and recently I subscribed to Socrates. Thanks for all the insights. I have a question regarding the repo crisis and interest rates. Socrates correctly predicted the start of the repo crisis back in September. When will the Fed give up […]

Never let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

QUESTION: First, Thank You for sharing your knowledge about the way the Planetary Economy really works without all the BS. Please do not get discouraged and keep up the outstanding work. My question is, since the world economy already had serious problems BEFORE the Corona Virus, are the “Powers That Be” going to use this […]