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Market Talk

The people we have been speaking to in Greece are confused and puzzled as to what will happen next and are anxious to see how things play out over the next couple of days. That said, the morning after feeling is one of great pride and determination to face what comes their way. Contrary to popular messages, […]

The Greek Referendum

Voting today began at 7 AM local time in Greece and will continue until 9 PM. The polls show a virtually even split. We are likely going to see civil war unfold in Greece if this is a YES vote, for the youth will have absolutely no future under the oppression of Brussels and those who think […]

The Generational Divide in Greek Referendum

We find the same situation in Greece that we saw in Scotland. The vote is divided by generation. The youth hate the Troika and want to leave Europe for they see no future. The elderly listen to radio all day long and will vote YES to preserve their pensions. The youth are forced to leave […]

Greek Crisis Fails to Stimulate Gold

Despite the greatest political crisis in Europe, there has been “no love for gold” according to CNBC. Indeed, this crisis does in fact warn that all the theories about gold just might be wrong and are remnants of a 60+ generation who remembers Bretton Woods. Has time and circumstance changed so much that gold is becoming obsolete? […]

Politicians Have Absolutely No Endgame

Here is a list of the demands that the European Commission placed upon Greece. They are totally insane without any comprehension of the future. These demands are without any common sense and there is absolutely no endgame here to be found. The EU officials are simply crushing the Greek economy and if Greece adopted these […]

Professional Analysis vs. a Fool’s Game

The way people try to judge one analyst against another is like saying, “Oh, he is right and someone else is wrong.” That is unprofessional because OPINION is irrelevant and NO ONE can be correct all the time. It is humanly impossible to forecast the future based upon what someone “thinks” will or will not happen. As soon as anyone tries […]

EU Banning Selfies Under Copyright of Architect?

Remembrance photos in front of the Reichstag or other famous buildings in Europe may be banned in the future. The European Parliament will vote on the abolition of the so-called panorama freedom. Thus, a Facebook publication of vacation pictures with buildings in the background would be allowed only with the permission of the architect. So under their insane […]

Berlin – World Economic Conference – November 28-29, 2015

We are holding this year’s 2015 World Economic Conference in Berlin, Germany, and it may be the most important conference since 1987. While so many people are now starting to mimic our forecasts for Big Bang, all now touting the autumn of 2015, this is going to be far more complicated than what the typical analyst comprehends, […]

Failed Dreams & Destroying Europe

The whole idea of a one world government that began in Europe with the Treaty of Rome was based upon the idea inside Europe that a single government would end war. They never considered that there are two sides to that coin ­– international war and internal war – that we call revolution. As Thomas […]

Understanding How Things Must Function

QUESTION: I can follow the reasoning for some of the capital flows into the U.S. now and a bit longer. But eventually much of this capital is going to leave the U.S. correct? Besides some off the grid investing, is China and Asia looking like the most promising economies to attract the future change in […]