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Will Canada Ditch Trudeau to Save the Nation from WEF?

Maxime Bernier is a Canadian businessman, lawyer, and politician who served as a cabinet minister of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and as Member of Parliament for Beauce from 2006 to 2019. He is the founder and current leader of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC). His platform is still within the current establishment of how […]

Schwab & How One Man Can Be So Powerful

QUESTION: Hello, all the world’s leading figures are part of the WEF. But how is it possible that one man was able to brainwash everyone? It seems incredible!!! MG ANSWER: When Nigel Farage spoke at our 2019 Rome World Economic Conference, he said he came because we were the “alternative to Davos.” For years I […]

Gold Clarification

Let me explain something. What I have pointed out about gold is that it DOES NOT rally merely because of inflation or the rise in debt. It will rally when we are looking at the collapse in confidence. The central banks have no desire to raise for their own budget will blow apart. The Fed […]

Conspiracy Theories Coming True

COMMENT: Marty, your forecasts have been amazingly correct years in advance and then we get to watch other analysts coming in at the last minute to pretend they called it. You have always been in the mix and actually know all the people in all of these events since Long Term Capital Management. I have […]

Trudeau was Afraid to Get off the Bus

We are winning. The elections in September around the world are going to be critical. It would be so fantastic if Canadians stopped voting for these small parties and ban together to overthrow Trudeau once and for all. Overthrowing these politicians who have lined their pockets against the people and the future of their own […]

Gates & Our Dark Future

  For months, I have been getting info from behind the curtain where there are still people who are against this entire agenda. I refrained from publishing most of what I heard not that it was wrong, but it was so far-fetched it certainly seemed like a conspiracy theory. This push using COVID for a […]

Top 2 FDA People Overseeing Vaccines are Quitting Because They are Being Ignored

There is great concern behind the curtain about the two senior top people in FDA who oversee vaccines are quitting. These are the FDA’s most senior vaccine people who oversee the approval and this is raising serious questions about the Biden administration circumventing the FDA and the CDC is interfering in the approval process all […]

Pfizer Vaccine Linked to First Death & Birth Defects

The British report on side effects has confirmed well over 100,000 people have been impacted by the vaccines and confirmed that they might cause birth defects as well as blindness. Many young women have serious trouble with menstrual disorders. Indeed, locally, I am aware of one such case in a girl of just 25-years-old. Meanwhile, […]

BigTech – Replacing Banks

QUESTION: Can you explain how using Jack Dorsey’s financial tools are another way Americans are surrendering their freedoms. Although the transaction fees are a fraction of banks and the time duration are almost instant. Thanks – although after years or writing into your block/contact I’ve yet to have a reply N ANSWER: Back in 2020, […]

Why I’m Optimistic About 2022

  I know it can get depressing. I really hate this nonsense. But when I look at the charts, all the markets are indicating that this merry band of Climate Change fanatics who has organized the biggest scam in human history over COVID to change the economy suggests that they will FAIL. Yes, there are […]