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Market Talk – October 26, 2020

ASIA: China said Monday that it would impose sanctions on American companies — including Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Raytheon — that have been involved in selling weapons to Taiwan. Speaking at a press conference Monday, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian called on the United States to stop selling arms to the […]

Market Talk – October 23, 2020

ASIA: China has vowed to retaliate if the US proceeds with the sale of advanced weaponry to Taiwan worth more than a billion dollars, Fox news reported. The statement from China’s defense ministry gave no specifics, but the development marks a further deterioration in ties between Beijing and Washington that have hit their lowest ebb […]

Market Talk – October 22, 2020

ASIA: The United States government has labeled six more Chinese media companies operating in the US as foreign missions in the latest round of tit-for-tat between Beijing and Washington over restrictions on journalists. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the decision at a press briefing on Wednesday, saying that the six media companies were […]

Your Comments & Questions

COMMENT #1: Marty, One gets the sense we are closer to a dictatorship than most think. Twitter, Google, Facebook, and others now appear to be working in overdrive to block content, prevent free speech, report only what suits them, in an effort to sway voters and build momentum for a Biden win. Surely, anyone with a […]

Market Talk – October 21, 2020

  ASIA: China never intended to challenge or replace anyone, Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday, stressing what it cares most about is to improve the well-being of its own people. Zhao Lijian, spokesperson for Chinese Foreign Ministry, made the remarks when responding to a new initiative revealed by the US Defense Secretary Mark Esper […]

Market Talk – October 20, 2020

ASIA: China on Tuesday asked India to approach ties with Taiwan “prudently and properly,” and said it would “firmly oppose” any official exchanges between New Delhi and Taipei. The statement from China’s Foreign Ministry came in response to reports that India and Taiwan were considering going forward with talks on a trade deal. India and […]

A Blue Wave is Bullish?

It seems very strange that Trump was seen as being bullish for stocks, but Wall Street is trying to claim a Blue Wave will be even more bullish under Biden. Even the economist at Bank of America said the best scenario for the stock markets was a Democratic Party clean sweep. This seems to be […]

Your Questions

QUESTION #1: If China is held liable for the virus damage then why could we not void all the bonds they hold as a payment for their damage to our economy? That would free up some debt and be a stimulus as well it would seem to me. The CCP is working every day to […]

Market Talk – October 19, 2020

ASIA: The IMF estimated China’s GDP will grow by 1.9 percent for all of 2020–the only major economy to inch back into positive territory in a year that saw economies around the globe tumble sharply. Chinese officials announced this week that the country’s economy grew by 4.9 percent in the third quarter, a positive sign […]

IMF’s New Bretton Woods Moment

COMMENT: The IMF & a new Bretton Woods? When are you going to admit that everything they are doing is because of you and your models? Fes-up! HC REPLY: I understand that it appears they have been following our models from the January 18, 2020 turning point to the Sovereign Debt Crisis and looking into […]